Some remembrances of what being a "real" mama is like and a prayer request for Gloria.

How can it be May already, and we are even a week into it!  Time sure flies.  With May comes all sorts of things....Mother's Day, graduation celebrations and Memorial Day picnics.  So much life lived and remembered!



I have a special memory to share with you where my daughter, LaDawn, challenged me about being a "real mom".  We can sure laugh about it now---an apron in her eyes made one a real mom.  Now she knows the truth of all that a "real mom" entails.



"Real moms" have hard days.  And I, Gloria, have a special prayer request as on Wednesday (the 10th), I am undergoing another heart ablation.  I have been having some recurrent A-fib issues and we are hopeful another ablation will help rectify them.  However, the last time, we did experience some complications so we covet your prayers that all will go smooth, as planned and will have great results!





And now how to be  REAL MOM....


Here, Mom, put this apron on so you can be a real mother!”  There stood little blond haired, blue eyed, five year old LaDawn extending to me a white lace apron I had gotten years ago when serving coffee at a friend’s wedding. Busy making dinner and caught off guard I asked, “What did you say?”

Shoving the lace apron into my hand, she commanded, “Put this on so you can be a REAL MOM…REAL MOMS wear aprons.”  With that statement, she insisted again that I put it on. Appeasing her request, I wrapped it around me and tied it. Needless to say, I looked silly frying hamburgers with a white lace apron and pink ribbons adorned with little white plastic wedding bells around my waist.

However, the grin on her little face as I put it on was worth a $1,000,000! She looked proud as punch and so pleased that she had transformed me into a REAL MOM!

I have relived that humorous memory many times. I often rewind and play the diary of my life and the role of having been a mother of three children living in a confining bus and traveling on the road over 300 days each year. What was my role as a mother? As far as my memory recollects, I was usually the one that woke up the children, got them showered and dressed for the day, fed them, homeschooled them, and read storybooks to them. I was usually the one who wiped runny noses and bloody noses and bandaged scraped knees and cut fingers. I was the one who washed and curled the girls’ hair and laundered the clothes. I was the one who usually took them to doctor appointments and made sure they got their vaccinations and fed them their daily vitamins. I was the one who helped them decorate the bus for each holiday and taught them the songs to sing on stage, as well as, the script to memorize for television specials. I bought their clothes, played dolls, and played favorite games of Sorry and Don’t Break the Ice with them. I was the one who helped them with bus chores and stayed awake in the night nursing colds, flu, chicken pox and croup. On the sidelines, I made them hundreds of peanut butter sandwiches. That was just part of my role, not even mentioning my jobs in ministry.

BUT…in LaDawn’s eyes…in order to be a REAL MOM, I needed to wear an apron. HA!   

Mothers, wouldn’t life be a piece of cake if the only requirement to being a REAL MOM was to put on an apron?  Now LaDawn is a mother and grandmother, and I can tease her a little. One day, a few years later, LaDawn was having a frustrating day. She directed her frustration to me, “Life is easy for you. All you have to do is be a mom!” I didn’t even waste my breath to disagree. I thought, “Your day is coming when you will understand.” And yes, it has, as I watch her juggle her work, two grown children and two grandchildren. And let me add, she does a great job navigating all her roles as a working mom. Often she calls me and chuckles, “Mom, it is so hard being a mom. I’m so tired and get exasperated trying to keep it all together and going. It’s hard.” Then tongue-in-cheek, she says, “Can I come home and be a little girl again with no responsibilities?  Now I know all the things you did as a mom that I didn’t see or know about. I’m tired!!!” 

I encourage her, “Cheer up! You have just begun. The easiest days were when they were little.  Now with your two little grandchildren and your children…they are your heritage and your mission field because you are helping to shape their lives for all eternity.

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9

If all moms would allow that sobering fact to sink in, we would certainly change what things we deem priorities to what things are really priorities when raising children. We get so caught up in the “have to’s” and “to do’s” that we often fail to do what they really require and desire. (I have certainly been guilty of this).  They truly yearn for our trust, encouragement, Godly example and instruction. They crave piles of patience and praise for doing good. They also long for a listening ear, loads of fun and laughter and forgiveness—not to mention a 24/7 prayer line for them.






1 yellow cake mix

1/3 cup oil

2 eggs

1 8 oz pkg cream cheese, softened

1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp lemon juice


Mix dry cake mix, 1 egg and 1/3 cup oil until crumbly.  Reserve 1 cup of this mixture.  Pat remaining mixture in an ungreased 13 x 9 inch pan.  Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees.  Beat cream cheese, sugar, 1 egg and lemon juice until light and smooth.  Spread this over baked layer.  Sprinkle top with reserved crumb mixture.  Bake 15 mintues longer.  Cool and cut into bars.

EASTER is coming! Let's prepare our hearts as we remember what Christ did for you and me!

April is just around the corner and the first week we celebrate all that Christianity hangs on---the sacrifice and death of the Son of God (Good Friday) and the defeat of death forever as Jesus Christ resurrected and became our LIVING HOPE!  


Can I just say that in this world in which we live with all the violence, chaos, tragedies, instability---I am so thankful for a LIVING HOPE!  My HOPE is not in an idol made by hands, or in my intellect/strengths, or in man's successes and institutions because we have seen all of those fail.  No, my HOPE is in Jesus Christ and He is ALIVE FOREVERMORE!!!


As we walk through this next week, it is my prayer that we will all REMEMBER THE MOMENT, we put our trust and hope in Jesus Christ and TELL SOMEONE about that moment and how we are forever changed!  You never know who needs to hear about the HOPE you have!


Here is a great message that Larry shared on COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE.  I think you enjoy it---EASTER:  MYTH, MIRACLE, MEANING.


Also, here is an article I wrote looking at Easter from a mother's viewpoint.  I can't imagine the pain and heartache that Mary endured as she watched her son suffer and die, but oh the JOY...when He arose!


Imagine the joy Mary must have felt when she knew that the child she was carrying was truly the Messiah, the Christ Child, the Savior of the world.  Even though she lived in poverty and had been chosen to give birth to a King, it never changed her “down-to-earth” character. 

Imagine the night Jesus was born and how His mother, Mary, rejoiced along with the angels at the royal birth—that would, in time, change the destiny of the world.

Mary was a very common normal mother who raised Jesus, along with her other children, and did not give Him special treatment or preference.  His earthly father, Joseph, was a carpenter.  I am sure, as normal children, Jesus and His siblings often played in the carpenter shop.  Jesus may even have bruised His thumb a time or two while missing the target with His daddy’s crude bulky tools.

His mother, Mary, was a special woman.  She exhibited a true and genuine piety.  Luke, the physician, speaks of her having a quietness of spirit, meditative heart, inwardness of disposition, admirable self-control, devotion, a gracious gift of sacred silence ( I assume she was not caught up in coffee-time gossip), and a mind saturated with the spirit and promises of the Old Testament.  Someone wrote of Mary, “She was the most pure, tender, faithful, humble, patient and loving of all who ever bore the honored name of Mary!”  Wow!  What a character reference! 

Now about motherhood:  What must not be forgotten is the fact that Mary not only bore Jesus, but also “mothered” Him for thirty-three years.  Thus from childhood to manhood, she did everything a devoted mother could do for her son, whom she knew was no ordinary man.  I am sure she often pondered in her heart, “What will the future hold?”

One day when her infant son, Jesus, was to be dedicated in the temple, the aged, godly Simeon, took the baby Jesus in his arms and blessed Him.  He said to Mary, “A sword shall pierce through thine own soul also.”  (Luke 2:35)  I am sure she was in the dark as to what that really meant.  I just know she pondered that statement much as she watched her “firstborn” go out to fulfill His mission.  (You know how overly protective we mothers are.)  Even though He was a grown man, she was still a mother!  Can you, as a mother, imagine how she felt the “piercing” as He was spoken against and schemed against in ministry?  We cannot even conceive of the bitter trials, testings and accusations of her son—especially during the last 3 ½ years.  She loved Jesus beyond words.  When He left to preach, I am sure her heart was pierced by loneliness.

No doubt, Mary’s deepest sword piercing came, while in agony, she stood beneath that rugged cross and witnessed the degradation, desolation and death of the one she had brought into this world and intensely loved.  She heard the blasphemies and reviles of the priests and the people, as she watched her son die.  (If that were you at the foot of the cross, and Jesus was your child, imagine how you would feel.)  If Calvary was our Lord’s crown of sorrow, it was likewise Mary’s—yet, how courageous she was.  Others may have sat and watched the suffering Christ, but Mary stood by the cross.  She stood where she knew He could see her.  She stood strong to be a strength to her son.  Before His last breath, Jesus summons John to care for His mother.  (John 19:26)  What love!

As He dies, she stands in silence.  No one could ever comprehend the grief she was going through, but she knew in her heart the reason that He was born:  so that He could die—that we might live.    God had blessed her with love, patience, endurance, meekness, humility, faith, forgiveness and a fortitude to face all the trials and “Pierces of the heart” that were dealt her.  God truly blessed her with courage!

But, thank God for Easter Sunday, when the stone was rolled away.  He had risen!  What joy replaced her grief.  Her son--He was alive, alive forevermore.  At that moment, all the pondering and piercing of her heavy heart disappeared, and she was filled with everlasting joy and hope for all eternity!

Lord, I pray that as I read the Easter story again, let me, as a mother, live, love and forgive, as You would have me do when I, too, encounter the piercing and disappointments of life!  Give me strength and wisdom, just as you blessed Mary.  Thank you, Jesus, for being obedient all the way to the cross, that we might have live and have more abundantly!






Fruit Pizza

Pie crust dough

8 oz pkg cream cheese

1/3 cup white sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla


Assorted fresh or canned, drained fruit, such as peaches, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, bananas

1 cup white sugar

1/4 tsp salt

2 Tbsp cornstarch

1 cup pineapple juice

1/4 cup lemon juice

3/4 cup water

Roll out pie crust dough and place in 14" pizza pan.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes.  Cool.  Combine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla and beat until blended.  Spread this mixture onto cooled crust.  Arrange fruit in circle formations over cream cheese layer.  Cook remaining ingredients in a saucepan.  Stir.  Bring to a boil and cook one minute.  Cool completely and pour over fruit arrangement in pizza pan.

Happy Valentine's Day! We are excited to be celebrating over 57 Valentine's Days together and have learned a few things through those years. Enjoy!

Greetings from Tennessee!  We are fully into February, the month known to celebrate LOVE!  There are hearts, glitter, candy galore, jewelry commercials and all things pointing to the celebration of Valentine's Day seemingly everywhere.  As I take but a moment to reminisce, I realize that Larry and I have been married and celebrated over 57 Valentine's Days together.  That is a lot!  And I can honestly say that I LOVE him more today than I did over 57 years ago when we celebrated our first Valentine's Day.  We have "grown in love" and we cherish every day that we continue to be together.  Throughout those years, we have learned a few things that have kept us together!  We share them in the article below.


Also, we did a special COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE recently where we shared some of these truths.  We think you will enjoy it!








Many times as we traveled on the road, we would come across people who thought we had the perfect marriage.  Please let me clear that up now....“No. We have not had a storybook marriage.” Certainly, we have had over 57 years of collecting chapters for a grand novel, but every chapter of our life together has had its challenges. True love doesn’t have a happy ending; true love doesn’t even have an ending! Let me explain. It is a continual process of living, striving, giving and forgiving. As I take some time to reflect on all that has become part of our story together, I can easily see that in our first couple of years of married life, I could have run away many times just to get away from the struggles and the hardships. I am sure that Larry had similar thoughts. Life was tough and our love was tested, but we had some ideals and values that held us strong…and they still do! These have enabled us to keep writing our story!


We have committed our hearts to God. We both have made a life-long commitment to God, and that isn’t changing.


When we made our vows to each other, we committed ourselves to each other. We stand on our vows and remember them until death do us part, no matter what the circumstances.


We have committed our hearts to forgive and forge on. It is not easy to put down the ax when you would like to retaliate or seek revenge when the other knowingly or unknowingly hurts you. Starting over and over and over again is essential in our relationship. Forgive—Forget—Move on!


We have committed to build one another up! Marriage isn’t an “I” or “me” situation. It is a time of building each other spiritually, mentally and intellectually. There is a truth that happens when you build each other up—you both grow stronger! Marriage is not a competition. It’s companionship!


We have committed to determine to grow through and grow up in tough times. Literally, there have been hundreds of times when we were up against the wall of despair and discouragement, but we committed to not fall apart or draw apart. Instead, we determined to hold fast to God and one another. Through God’s Word and much prayer, we are refined by the fires which make us stronger. We allow our “misery” to be turned into “ministry” to others who are struggling with the same trials. Don’t waste your trials!


We have committed to never let our hearts grow cold toward each other. We still date every day. We invest time in our relationship. We believe in being each other’s best friend and enjoying it. Best friends do all they can to protect their friendship and loyalty. When all goes wrong, what a joy it is to have your best friend right there with you.

We have committed to love, respect, honor and enjoy our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. They are the sunshine and joy of our lives. What we have invested in each of them throughout the years has come back tenfold. As a family, we have vowed to “never, never, never let anyone or anything ever come between us.” We are a unit. We all protect one another. We are there for each other no matter what!


We have committed to laugh together. Laughter has been a great buffer to help carry us through the storms of life and it is great medicine!


We have committed our hearts and lives to win people to Jesus no matter what! We hold dearly to our call to reach the Lost. We are committed to go and tell the Good News to our very last breath. At times we may have had to adjust the “how” we do it, but our hearts continue to burn to see everyone come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.


We have committed to pray together. Prayer is the glue that has held us together all through the years and continues to do so. And, it is really hard to pray with an enemy so it helps us keep our relationship free and clear of offense towards one another.


These are just a few of the commitments that have kept us close, sane, loving and still together in this wild and crazy world. Keep God first and your marriage and family will reap great dividends now and for all eternity.





When Valentine's Day rolls around, who doesn't love a great reason to enjoy some strawberries!  This is a somewhat healthy recipe as you can make substitutions if needed.  Enjoy!


For the Strawberry Bars:

  • 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 
  • 3/4 cup white whole wheat flour or substitute all-purpose flour 
  • 1/3 cup light brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter melted (or substitute melted coconut oil to make vegan/dairy free)
  • 2 cups small-diced strawberries about 10 ounces, divided
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon  freshly squeezed lemon juice from about 1/2 small lemon
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar divided


For the Vanilla Glaze (optional)

  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar sifted
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon milk any kind you like


Instruction to Bake:

  • Place a rack in the center of your oven and preheat to 375 degrees F. Line an 8×8-inch baking pan with parchment paper so that the paper overhangs two sides like handles.

  • In a medium bowl, combine the oats, flour, brown sugar, ginger, and salt. Pour in the melted butter and stir until it forms clumps and the dry ingredients are evenly moistened. Set aside 1/2 cup of the crumble mixture, then press the rest into an even layer in the bottom of the prepared pan.

  • Scatter half of the strawberries over the crust. Sprinkle the cornstarch evenly over the top, then sprinkle on the lemon juice and 1/2 tablespoon of the granulated sugar. Scatter on the remaining berries, then the remaining 1/2 tablespoon sugar. Sprinkle the reserved crumbs evenly over the top. You will have some fruit showing through.

  • Bake the bars for 35 to 40 minutes, until the fruit is bubbly and the crumb topping smells toasty and looks golden. Place the pan on a wire rack to cool completely (you can speed this process along in the refrigerator).

  • While the bars cool, prepare the glaze: In a medium bowl, briskly whisk together the powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk until smooth. Feel free to add more milk if a thinner consistency is desired. Using the parchment-paper handles, lift the bars from the pan. Drizzle with glaze, slice, and serve.

  • The recipe can be doubled and baked in a 9×13-inch baking pan. The bars will be a bit thicker but will still be delicious

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Lundstroms! Enjoy some reminiscing back to a First Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!






















This year has brought many changes into our lives, ministry and family.  We rejoice in God’s goodness and faithfulness through this new journey.  We want to thank you, our extended family, our partners and dear friends for your prayers that have sustained us.  Thank you, also, for your gifts that have brought support  to keep the ministry reaching out and touching lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You have helped make it happen and this Christmas, our hearts are overwhelmed with thanksgiving and gratitude for you!









We look forward to being home in Tennessee with our family this Christmas.  We are excited about time together and eating lots of treats!  We also greatly anticipate receiving your cards, letters and photos as we love hearing from you and being updated on what is happening in your lives.  We are happy to rejoice with you and to pray with you for the needs you face. Please know we love and appreciate you!  Have a very blessed Christmas!  







Two things we thought you might enjoy:


1)  On our COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE this past Wednesday, we were excited to host our dear friend, Jeff Nordin.  He shared some amazing testimonies, an encouraging word and his musical talent as he played some of our favorite Christmas carols as only he can!  You can listen below:


2)  Here is an article about the FIRST REAL CHRISTMAS I experienced as our family came to know Christ.  Christmas was forever changed, as well as, our lives!




Snowflakes softly falling like lace doilies, Christmas carols playing ,lights twinkling on the trees, and family coming home all bring back memories of Christmases past. I still remember the first Christmas after I asked Jesus into my heart. I was eight years old. Christmas changed!



Up until then, Christmas was all about Santa Claus (even though I really questioned that story because I couldn't imagine that anyone―most of all a jolly fat Santa―could actually get down our chimney carrying gifts, no less). I was thinking, "Gifts? No. M&Ms or raisins? Maybe."   Besides that, our house didn't have the fireplace opening that all the Christmas storybooks depicted. I often wondered if he'd end up in our attic.


This first Christmas, we were attending church and the true story of Christmas was read about a baby born in a manger.   I remember singing, "Away in a Manger."   This was my first year I was invited to be in the Christmas program.   Wow, that was exciting for this eight-year-old!  I got to be an angel watching over the baby Jesus in the play. Of course, my brothers knew I wasn't an angel at home...but in church I was! I still remember the homemade costume with a halo made out of sparkly pipe cleaners twisted together to make me look angelic. It was all so new and fun to me.


This first Christmas, I remember I was so intent to see that same "bright star in the east." I'd pile on the layers and squeeze into my snowsuit, run out into the mammoth snow banks and lie down. I'd stretch out my arms and paddle them as fast as I could to make a snow angel. Then I'd lay there, in the silence of the night, and gaze up into the heavens in hopes (and determination) that I could find that same bright shining star that announced the birth of the Christ -child.


This first Christmas, "Home" was totally different. My brothers and I made a makeshift manger where I laid my doll wrapped in a blanket. I was Mary, one brother was Joseph, and all the others  were wise men. Then we proceeded to recite our lines that we had learned from the church Christmas program. I remember Mom reading the Christmas story as we sat and listened intently.  Then, KABOOM! It was time to open presents.  Can you imagine seven boys and me and the accompanying noise and squealing that filled the air as we ripped open our gifts? If I remember correctly, we each received one larger gift, which mine was always a doll, and then something like a paint set, coloring books or crayons. I think back to my first real Christmas, knowing Jesus as my personal Savior, it was truly an unforgettable experience.


I don't know about you, but I often long for those seemingly simple but unforgettable Christmases of days past. In the midst of the busyness and rushing this year, may we all take time to reminisce our first Christmas.  And if you have yet to experience your first real Christmas….it isn’t too late! Pray right now:




Jesus, You died upon the cross (Romans 5:8)

And rose again to save the lost (John 3:16)

Forgive me now of all my sin (1 John 1:9)

Come be my Savior, Lord and Friend (Romans 10:9)

Change my life and make it new  (2 Cor. 5:17)

And help me, Lord, to live for You.  (Colossians 2:6)


-Matt & Sherry McPherson, 2021 Salvation Poem Foundation Inc


May you feel His presence this Christmas and always.


Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, and we are most thankful for you!



We can hardle fathom that tomorrow we will be celebrating Thanksgiving together as a family.  Where has the time gone this year?   As we look back over the year, we can definitely say that we have so many reasons to be thankful! are just a few:






LARRY IS HOME!  After undergoing a second back surgery recently which meant a stay in the hospital and then a resulting stay in a rehabilitation center, we are so thankful that he is now home and in time for Thanksgiving.  He is very happy to be in his own nest.  This farm boy was ready for a farm meal---roast, mashed potatoes, squash and the fixings.  He will continue with outpatient therapy for 6-8 weeks, and we expect to see him grow stronger each day.


















FOOTBALL WITH FAMILY!  Who's ready for football? One of our newer traditions now that we are able to be together for holidays after all the years of being on the road and not being able to enjoying football games with family.  Our great granddaughter is ready!




















TOOTH SURPRISES : Our great grandson recently lost his second tooth.  He discovered after losing the first tooth that if he put it under his pillow, it was replaced with a surprise ($)!  He got right on wiggling out the second tooth.  I think he would go through them all but we are trying to make sure he knows he has a limited supply.  HA!












  • YOU :   We are ever grateful for you---our wonderful faithful partners---who have stood with us and continue to stand with us through your prayers, love and support.  We just wouldn't be able to continue to do what we do without you!



  • OUR LORD & SAVIOR :  We remember daily the moment we came to Christ and came to know Him as Lord and Savior.  What a journey and adventure it has been giving Him our whole lives, but so rewarding.  Until our last breath---we are Yours!



Obviously, there is so much more we are thankful for---family, health, provision, creation, staff, America---the list is great, but we thought you would enjoy the above.  We pray you are taking the time to be intentional and thank the Lord for the many blessings you have.  I love the quote, "Be grateful and thankful, and you will always have something to be grateful and thankful for."


Here are a few Thanksgiving letters we have received we wanted to share:


  • "We really enjoy both of you and love to read your newsletters.  You are both so precious in the sight of God.  Your reward will be great!"  -Gene & Marion Knudson


  • "Blessings to our dear friends, Larry and Gloria.  We have enjoyed you for years and we hope you continue to serve the Lord, Our Savior, for years to come."  -John & Helen Monson


  • "Thank you for going out in our place; there are so many cheering you on in heaven."  -Ron & Karen Meroney


  • "I always enjoy your COFFEE & CONNECT times.  Lots of times I catch it on the rerun.  Today was an extra special one---loved it!  Truly, I enjoy those times together with you two.  You both look great, happy, healthy and praising Jesus." -Marie Lay


  • "Thank you for your lifelong commitment to bring the message of salvation to the lost and hurting.  You have paid such a great price to pull people out of the fire and show them the way of life in Christ Jesus!"  -Joe & Dorothy Swisher


As always, we have enjoyed being able to minister through COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE.  As we are entering the holiday season, in the most recent CCLIVE, I shared how we can look at these family gatherings as opportunities FOR GIVING and for FORGIVING!  Every person has a need and you may be able to help meet that need through your actions, words and the presence of Jesus in and through you.  You can listen here:





Thanksgiving is important because it reminds us how thankful we are for you.

You are important because you enrich our lives in countless ways.

You are strength; you are support; you are encouragement.

You are sunshine, lighting up the dark corners of our lives.

Thanksgiving is important because it prompts us, each year...

To tell you how much you mean to us!

Happy Thanksgiving!


By Joann Fuchs








Pumpkin Pecan Pie


3 eggs, beaten

1 cup canned pumpkin

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup dark corn syrup

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup chopped pecans


Mix all ingredients, except pecans.  Pour into an unbaked pie shell.  Sprinkle pecans over top.  Bake at 350 degrees about 45 minutes.

Larry and Gloria celebrate 57 years of marriage and ministry! God has been so faithful---"Each for the other...both for the Lord!" continues to be their motto.



October 16, 1965....I can still hear the church bells chime melodically signaling the long awaited moment had arrived.  The church that memorable day was packed with 500 friends and family waiting in expectation as the organist began to play the song that we had chosen, "Savior, Like a Gentle Savior Lead Us."  I looked down the long aisle and saw the one I would be committing my life to and Larry looked down the aisle seeing his bride standing arm in arm with her daddy, the evening sunset shimmering off our shoulders as the "walk of our lives" began.  Gazing at one another, hearts throbbing, each slow and purposeful step bringing us closer together!  We had both prayed for years for God's mate for both of us.  Our eyes met, I kissed my father and Larry took my hand walking me to the altar where we would share our sacred vows.



Our theme song was "Each for the other...both for the Lord."  How blessed and honored we are 57 years later that we've invest 57 years of ministry together.  Larry came to Christ in 1957 and how wonderful we now celebrate 57 years of marriage.  What a gift and what a joy to wake up together each day of our lives!




As we are celebrating this momentous milestone in our lives, we also celebrate each and every one of our friends and partners who have been gifts to us along our journey.  You have stood behind us with love, prayers and support and with God's empowering, helped us reach over 80,000 people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



This past Wednesday (12th), we had a delightful time on COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE sharing some keys and insights that have helped our marriage hold strong all through the years.  The time went by so quickly as we remembered, we laughed and we cherished the moments.  Here is the video if you would like to watch:






Also, we do have a special treat for you next week (the 19th) as we are showing a special "throwback" interview we did for TCT television with Gary McSpadden many years ago.  Besides enjoying the hairstyles, you will hear more history of the Lundstroms, scriptural nuggets, some songs and prayers prayed.  Thought the years pass by and things change, the truth of His Word does not!





We pray you are having a great fall!  The seasons change so quickly!  Enjoy the moments!





Fall Football Stew


2 lbs beef (cut into 1" cubes)

5 medium potatoes, cut in large pieces

5 medium carrots, cut in large pieces

2 medium onions, cut up

1/2 package dry onion soup mix

1 can tomato soup, undiluted

1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted


Put meat and vegetables in a large casserole baking dish.  Mix in the soups and make sure all ingredients are thoroughly mixed together.  Cover tightly (very important) and bake at 250-275 degrees.   When it is time to watch the football game, serve this delicious and filling stew!

A fun story about the Queen and how sometimes we can easily jump to the wrong conclusions!




Today will certainly go down in history as honored and memorable as Queen Elizabeth is mourned and laid to rest.  She served her country for over 70 years traversing changes she probably would never have believed possible in her lifetime.  Yet, even as earthly royalty, a day would come when only one decision would matter as she breathed her last---what did she decide about Jesus for this would be the decision that determines eternity.  Regardless of our titles here on earth, there is one title that we can know and have--CHILD OF GOD!  








"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." Romans 8:16-17


"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10




This makes us heirs with Christ and a royal priesthood.  We don't have to wonder, guess or gamble.....we can KNOW that we are a CHILD OF GOD!   This Wednesday @ 11 AM, Larry will be sharing a marvelous message on COFFEE & CONNECT about that very thing---what are you counting on for eternity?  You can go to our Facebook page>>  to watch or by Wednesday afternoon, the video will be posted here>> /CC-LIVE.


In honor of the Queen's memory, here is an unforgettable Queen story and life lesson:


Years ago, Larry and our ministry team was traveling in Canada. We pulled our coach into Regina, Saskatchewan, and we were looking for the auditorium where we were to have a concert/rally that evening. Streets were blocked off in every direction.  We tried and tried to find an alternate route.  We drove this way and that and each time discovered the main road we needed was blocked off when we got to it. 


People, hundreds and thousands of them, were lined up.  We actually got to the main street only to find it was also roped off--a dead end again!  Frustrated, I remember expressing, “What on earth! We need to get through this!  We are running late!!!!”  Larry was driving, and I was in the  "buddy seat" fuming and thinking, “Well, it must be an annual parade, how ‘unlucky’ can we be to get stuck in all this traffic standstill.  We can’t go across, can’t back up.  What are we going to do?" as exasperation and a bit of panic began to set in.


Just then, music started, and we watched as the English with all of their royal pomp, glamour and glitter strode before us along with the Royal Canadian Mounted police abreast on their majestic horses, followed by a Royal Canadian marching band . It was all happening about 15-20 feet in front of our windshield!   I was still wondering, “What on earth is all of this?”   


Then we saw following the procession, an open air stunning black limousine convertible, was inching in front of us.  To our great surprise, it was Queen Elizabeth!!!!!!  We gasped in shock and awe as she waved to the crowds of spectators, turned our direction, and smiled and waved to us!  


We had just encountered the presence of the Queen of England!!  While embarrassed by our previous frustration, we cracked up laughing hysterically, thinking how upset we were to be detained and sidetracked by this interruption----“The Queenof England"!


Lesson learned: never allow the frustration of a delay “get cha”… you never know what’s really coming into your daily life. God has it all under control!


With that, have a lovely week.  Please know that Larry and I continue to pray for you and thank the Lord for you!




Cream Puffs


1 cup water

1/2 cup butter

1 cup sifted flour

4 eggs


Heat water and butter to a rolling boil.  Turn heat to low and stirl in flower vigorously until mixture leaves the sides of hte pan and forms a ball.  Remove from heat; beat in eggs, one at a time and mix until smooth and velvety.  Drop from spoon onto ungreased baking sheet.  Bake at 400 degress.  You can make 8 large puffs and bake 40-50 minutes or 14-15 small puffs and bake 20 minutes.  Cool.  Fill with whipped topping, ice cream or custard!

Here is a quick update on what we have faced this week---so thankful for God working in our daughter's health!

Have you ever had one of those weeks that just didn't go as planned?  The unexpected happens!  Well, we had one of those weeks.


Our daughter, LaDawn, hadn't been feeling quite like herself for a little while so she was really encouraged to go to the doctor to see if the source of her symptoms could be identified.  As they ran tests and ultimately did an ultrasound, it was discovered that she had a blood clot in each lung and one also in her leg.  This needed immediate action so she was taken by ambulance to Vanderbilt Hospital.  We are thankful for God's timing and hand in all of this.  They ran numerous tests, gave blood transfusions and watched her numbers closely to make sure things didn't get worse and to also identify what was taking place in her body.  


We are thankful to say that after a few days treating her with blood thinner and B12 (she was deficient), along with making sure her systems were not damaged during this time, they released her to our care.  She is improving and it warms our heart to see this.  She is under close watch by blood specialists to make sure things keep going in the right direction and is also on extended rest for her body to be restored.


We posted on Facebook the immediate prayer need, and we were so thankful for all that went to prayer immediately.  We are ever grateful for each and every one.  And we also give thanks to those who were not aware until now, but are willing to continue to uphold her in prayer that she will be fully restored and there will be no complications!   Thank you so so so very much!


We are so thankful for God's Word and the comfort within.  This verse from Jeremiah 30:17 was on my lips, "But I will restore your health and heal your wounds..."  When we are going through trials, we often find how precious the Word of God is.  We also find out how important JOY is ("the joy of the Lord is our strength") and how we must not let the enemy steal it in the hard times.  In today's COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE, I shared an update on LaDawn and how I chose to navigate this "bump in the road" with her health.  You can listen to the video here:



We pray that you are doing well and that you would know that nothing is too difficult for the Lord.  Don't let the enemy steal your joy (strength), but lean in, let the things that need to be revealed--be revealed, and let the FAITHFUL ONE make you more like Him!







This is a yummy recipe to utilize those fresh garden veggies!




2 lbs. chicken breasts

1 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1/8 tsp garlic powder

vegetable cooking spray

1 large onion, thinly sliced

1 1/2 large green peppers, cut in strips

1/2 cup carrots, diagonally sliced

1/2 cup celery, diagonally sliced

1 1/4 cup chicken broth, divided

3 Tbsp soy sauce

2 Tbsp cornstarch

2 large tomatoes, cut into wedges

4 cups hot cooked rice


Cut chicken into thin strips; sprinkle with paprika, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Coat a wok or large skillet with cooking spray.  Allow to heat to medium-high for two minutes.  Add chicken and stirfry for 3-4 minutes or until lightly browned.  Next, add onion, green peppers, carrots, celery and 1/2 cup chicken broth.  Cover and cook for 1 1/2 minutes.  Combine remaining 3/4 cup chicken broth, cornstarch and soy sauce, stirring until blended.  Mix well.  Add broth mixture to wok or skillet, stirring well.  Add tomatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes or until sauce thickens.  Serve over hot rice!

It sure is hot in Nashville and Gloria is in a war with some rabbits, but God continues to be good and faithful!

Oh my, did I say hot???   Yes with all capital letters….HOT!  The meteorologist came on and said that the heat index today here in Nashville is 119°. I am so thankful for air-conditioning, and my heart goes out to all those who have to be outside working. I have several plants and vines outside that I’m trying to keep alive. I go out at about 8:30 at night when it’s a bit cooler to water and tend to them. I water the plants, the flowers and the vines and then proceed to go back in our temperate home.  Well...evidently  after I go to bed, the rabbits come and for some reason they think that my sweet potato vines  plus everything else I have out there must be a “luscious salad bar”. I went out there three days ago, and they were just nipping everything down left and right.  Well, this Norwegian got her dander up and was ready to face the challenge set before her so I put out  big traps.  Yes, I know my daughter thinks I am mean, but I thought if I could scare one rabbit by its tail in there, it would scare the rest of them away.  I ventured back out the next morning in suspense to see what had happened.  I found that the traps with peanut butter were snapped but no rabbit. Yesterday I went back out to check the traps and instead of a rabbit, I had a bird in a trap. I can’t win so I decide to put mothballs in with my vines and my flowering plants. We’ll see what happens now. You can tell the war zone between the Norwegian and the rabbits is on…. who is going to win?  Stay tuned!!!!









In other news, Larry and I both escaped getting Covid for the past two years, but 12 days ago it caught up with us.  We both tested positive. I tested positive first and tried to stay totally away from Larry so he wouldn’t get it, but it didn’t work even with our masks on.  He tested positive next.  I thought, "Oh well, we both got it at the same time so we don’t have to hide from each other anymore."  (Besides he can only make oatmeal, coffee and toast; he really wanted something else to eat.) I’m a softy!  I was thankful we could be together. He has been doing well with the Covid. I’m having a little bit of a problem as it is messing with my Afib, but I’m laying low and am okay.  It will be okay, especially as we know you will lift us up in prayer for complete restoration!








This summer is speeding by so quickly.   We have so thoroughly enjoyed doing our COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE.  I encourage you to CLICK HERE and catch up with some of them if you have missed a few.  You’ll enjoy the guests that we’ve had on!  This week we had our special guest (and former team member for a couple of years), Jeff Nordin, play a concert of patriotic songs.  It was marvelous and I know you will love it!   


Check it out:



And just as a note, as we focus on America,  I thought how tragic and true the following is.  God has blessed America.  God please give us wisdom, give us hearts that will pursue you above all else, give us a fervency to share the Gospel, give us an urgency to pray like never before.  Lord, please have mercy on this great nation.


Top 10 Ways to Destroy America

  1. Replace civility with disrespect and impulsive reactions.
  2. Watch violent and shameless entertainment.
  3. Reward bad behavior and ridicule good deeds.
  4. Substitute things that matter with alcohol, drugs and pleasure.
  5. See yourself as a victim to diminish your responsibility.
  6. Deny welfare is addictive when it has ensnared three generations.
  7. Embrace the idea that inconvenient laws may be ignored.
  8. Elect hypocrites who shirk their sworn duty for votes.
  9. Don’t ask questions, just follow the crowd
  10. Ignore advice from those who paid the price in blood, sweat and tears.

-Quentin Kent Sr





Here's a refreshing dessert for a hot summer day!


Ice Cream Dessert


60 Ritz crackers, crushed

1/2 cup butter, melted

2 boxes instant pudding (your choice of flavor-pistachio, vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch, lemon)

1 1/2 cup milk

1 quart ice cream, softened

1 carton whipped topping



Mix cracker crumbs and butter; reserve a few crumbs for topping.  Put rest of crumbs in a 9x13 pan.  Mix together pudding, milk and ice cream.  Put on cracker crust.  Put a layer of whipped topping of the mixture.  Spring the reserved crumbs on top!  Put in freezer and let harden.  Enjoy!

Happy Father's Day!! Enjoy this special word of encouragement to parents from Larry and Gloria.



Greetings from Nashville!  God has turned up the thermostat here in Nashville and it has been steamy with temperatures in the 100’s.  We are soooooo thankful for air conditioning, electricity and all the things that make us comfortable when it is this warm.  We hope you are staying cool wherever you are!  We continue to stay busy with physical therapy appointments for Larry (we praise God for every bit of progress), doing the COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE program, taking care of our  office to do’s and keeping up with texts, phone calls and letters.  We are thankful for every day that we have together and are able to serve the Lord together fulfilling the calling He has on our lives!


As Father’s Day approaches, we can’t help but think about our kids, our parenting experiences and all the letters, texts, and calls we have received from parents that are hurting, wounded, unsure, and broken.  We want everything to be perfect in our families, but the reality is we live in an imperfect world and things don’t always go how we desire them to.  What do we do when that is the case?



We shared the article below in our monthly newsletter.  We pray that it gives you some HOPE where you are right now as a parent, grandparent or even great grandparent as we are now.  Don’t give up!  Keep praying and believing for your family!  We also shared on this topic on our most recent CCLIVE….click here to view that.



Wounded Parents


I would suppose the yearning of every parent is to raise a perfect child: physically strong, emotionally stable, intelligently gifted and a spiritual giant for others to admire. A child that is, above all: loyal, honest, sincere, ambitious, motivated, an up-and-aspiring young man or woman who will make all the right decisions and choices, and who will take the world by the tail and win in every situation and circumstance.


WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! To begin with, let us confirm that “we” are not a perfect family. We have problems and face disappointments just like any other family. As of yet, we have not met a parent that could honestly verify all of the above in their children. Why? Because children are human; they are not perfect, trouble-free, carefully-programmed robots. Almost every day Christian parents tearfully acknowledge, “We’ve tried so hard to raise and instruct our children in the ways of the Lord. But still, after all of this, some of our children have strayed into sin. Why? We just don’t understand.” Why the problems? Because children are born with a “free” will. From the onset of the first whimper or cry, they are expressing their will. Then as the years pass by and they age, their environment, culture, and morals play an integral part in shaping their will. While all of this is happening, we, as Christian parents, do the best we know how to instill God’s Word, His principles, and a life of godliness within them through Bible-reading, prayer, Sunday school, church, special events and family devotions. Somehow even amidst all the spiritual investment in our children, some still stray away from God for a season. The most heart-wrenching pain a parent can experience is to see their son or daughter fall into rebellion, turn against God and wander into sin. The parents’ minds are then bombarded with, “Why? How could this have happened? Whose fault is it? Who is to blame?”


Please allow us to share some of our observations, facts, feelings, and advice with you that we have learned over the years.


Don’t dwell on the blame game. It’s tempting and dangerous for one parent to toss the blame on the other parent. Avoid it at all costs! Channel your energies toward restoring the prodigal, rather than destroying the marriage relationship. Luke 11:17 says, “A house divided against itself will fall.” Agree to re-evaluate. Look at your past mistakes and learn from them. Determine to pull together as a couple and fight the spiritual battle, not each other.


Forgive yourself and each other for the mistakes you have both made in child rearing. Can we just say that there is only ONE perfect parent—God the Father—none of us have parented perfectly, so lay aside your egos and pride, and ask God to forgive you. Then go one step further: ask forgiveness of your prodigal for anything you did or said as a parent that caused him/her to stray. We’ve had to go to our children many times to ask forgiveness.


Realize your child has a will! It’s inevitable that someday our children will have to exercise their own will and make their own choices and decisions. Whether right or wrong, they will be responsible for that choice, and have to live with it and learn from it—whatever the consequences. A part of growing up is falling down. As parents, what should we do? We shouldn’t try to break their will, but try to bend the will. A will that is broken is a useless will, but the bending of one is directing it into the right channel with a purpose and goal.


Whatever you do, never reject or alienate them from the family. Resentment will keep them from ever coming back home. You are their parents, not just until they are eighteen, but for all eternity. When they come to their senses, they’ll need a refuge to retreat to, and a family to love and guide them down the right path.


Love your prodigal unconditionally. That’s hard, especially for a Christian parent whose principles and values have been willfully rejected and they have turned against all you believe and stand for. Nevertheless—LOVE THEM! No matter how tough it gets out there, they need to know they are loved. Tell them you love them. But, also express to them that you are hurt by their disobedience to God and you, their parents. It’s okay to let them know you hurt…YOU ARE FAMILY.


Pray—pray— and pray like you never have before. You may have many, many sleepless nights ahead of you, so use those anxious, hurting hours and moments to pray for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Let them know you are praying day and night for them. You may have to invest in a pair of football-player kneepads for all the hours you’ll spend on your knees before God.


Give your children to God! Give God freedom to work in their lives as He chooses. That’s hard! This helps lift that unbearable pain and burden. Psalm 68:19 says, “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”


Believe that God is able. He is able to return to you what Satan has stolen. Even if you don’t see it, pray in the fourth dimension. See them serving God. See them loving God. Romans 4:17 says: “The God who give life to the dead, and calls things that are not as though they were.” Begin to call those things in their lives “that are not—as though they were.” Be encouraged. God is able!


Lastly, begin to praise God for what He is going to do. Psalm 92:1 says, “It is good to praise the Lord…” Proclaim God’s love in the morning and His faithfulness at night! Trust and praise Him until your victory comes.”





Take dad out to the lake and make him this taco salad to enjoy for lunch!

Summer Taco Salad


3 Flour Tortillas

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

Pinch of Salt

1 pound Hamburger

4 Tablespoons Taco Seasoning

1/2 Cup Water

1/2 Head Iceberg Lettuce

Cherry Tomatoes - Halved

Black Olives - pitted and sliced

1 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese


1 Cup Sour Cream

2 Tablespoons Salsa

1 Tablespoon Taco Seasoning

1 Tablespoon Dried Ranch Seasoning



Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut tortillas into thin strips. Toss with oil then transfer to baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt. Bake for 15 minutes, toss half way through.  Brown the ground beef. Add taco season and water to taco season and summer until the water evaporates and turns into a saucy consistency. For the dressing mix sour cream, taco seasoning, and ranch seasoning.  Add water 1 tablespoon at a time as needed to get desired consistency. For the salda mix lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cheese, taco meat and tortilla strips. Mix in salad dressing and serve immediately.

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