: Welcome :
Welcome to our website, Pastor. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to allow us to introduce you to our ministry. This page is dedicated to you as we desire to work with you to reach people for Christ. Please feel free to click on the links that are provided to learn more about who we are and what we do. You may also review our counseling and promotional materials if you are interested in scheduling a rally, and even print off publicity materials straight from our site.
For more information or to schedule a rally, please call our office at 605-698-7007 or e-mail us at llmin@venturecomm.net.
{ about us }
learn about Larry and Gloria
as well as their ministry
{ our vision }
Please CLICK HERE to
familiarize yourself with
the vision and passion that
Larry and Gloria share
{ references }
To review references for
Larry & Gloria's ministry,
{ counselors
& altar call }
To review the counseling
materials that
Larry & Gloria use
in their rallies,
{ advertising }
To review or download
Larry & Gloria's
promotional materials,
{ women's ministry }
more about Gloria's Set Free
women's ministry
"Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." Romans 8:16