Celebrating 59 years of marriage and relying daily on the Lord for strength, joy and hope for the days to come! We are ever grateful for how the Lord has walked with us all of these years and continues to be close and the center of our lives each and every day.


Déjà vu… it seems like just yesterday.  Okay, not really …that’s quite an exaggeration, but it doesn't seem possible that as I was reminiscing about when Larry and I were engaged to be married in 1965 that now here we are celebrating 59 years.  I never dreamt we would be married that long!  I thought anyone married 25 years was a  ‘long time’.  I honestly couldn’t imagine a milestone of celebrating 50 years which God granted us. Every morning at our early prayer time I remind Larry what a gift God has given to us:


#1    To wake up

#2   To wake up together!





We do not take that for granted.  We know many reading this would love to wake up again with his or her mate by their side, but instead they wake up with tears, stained pillows, and with memories of the past.

God has been faithful to have walked this journey with us, blessed us with three wonderful children, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. God had blessed us and honored us to have been active in ministry together for nearly 60 years.   A few days ago, our neighbor commented “Gloria, how’s retirement?“ I answered, "I don’t know. I haven't had time to do anything yet!  HA!"   We’re still very busy ministering out of our home.  There are so many hurting people that we minister to through our phones, emails, and text messages as many of our “Forever partners”and friends are facing health crises, death of loved ones, loneliness, prodigal children, financial crises, depression, and fear of the future just to name a few.  We spend our days on the phone counseling, mentoring, and praying with and for dozens of daily prayer requests. We are not on the road anymore, but our home has become a new, very, very busy pulpit.  Our journey and ministry has changed, not retired.

I also have a new ministry – being a caregiver to my sweetheart, Larry, who is dealing with Parkinson’s.  This is definitely a new journey for both of us. We saw it coming about five years ago as his mother was bedridden for 17 years with it and his brother, Lowell, had it along with his uncle.  It is very difficult to watch Larry who has always been so active, energetic and strong struggling with balance , walking and everything that goes with it.  We trust God every day to give us strength. I am now honored to be his caregiver. I am thankful that we are settled here in Nashville where the children are able to help us. They are so good to us. Now my main ministry is taking care of my husband. He’s as sweet as ever, and oh yes,  continues to have a great attitude and of course a plethora of crazy jokes. We do therapy walks at Home Depot or Lowe’s where he can push a high cart.  Everyone knows him and greets him. They act like they’ve been friends forever, and of course, he cannot miss the opportunity to tell a crazy joke or witness  or make them laugh. They always ask him,  “Larry do you have a new joke today?"   Needless to say if he doesn’t have one, he makes one up on the spot. I know that does not surprise you or me. Then when we are leaving, they say,  “Thank you, thank you for making my day and giving us a smile.”  He does the same on his business  phone calls and almost every time they’ll finish a conversation saying, “Mr Larry-thank you for making my day.  Call me every Friday or call me every Monday to brighten my day."  Larry is allowing his pain to become a new pulpit to encourage and touch other lives. His joy is contagious!

I would ask you to pray for him and me for added strength to care and keep up with him.

As Larry and I celebrate our 59 years of marriage,  in our most recent COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE, we decided to share a video of our "40th" wedding anniversary video, which has a lot of history, fun and memories.  For all of you who are our friends and family this will bring back a lot of memories. Hope you enjoy it!



We recently celebrated Grandparents Day and we consider it such an honor to be grandparents and now great grandparents. Enjoy some wonderful input from some dear friends of ours on their grandparenting journey and how important it is!

Greetings from Tennessee!   As I’m writing this, we are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Francine which made its way along the Gulf Coast.  We are praying for them. We are grateful just to get some heavy rain and high winds.


Last weekend was Grandparents Day and across the USA, grandparents were celebrated and honored by  their grandchildren and great grandchildren. We, as grandparents, have the privilege and the honor to have a part in impacting their lives that will impact generation to generation. 



We were blessed to be able to take our two grandchildren Dante and Myanna on  the road with us when they were little during the summer months.  It was fun connecting with them and building bridges that have lasted as now they are 30 years old and 26. 



I recently ran across these enlightening statements about grandparenting:



"Because (grandparents) are usually free to love and guide and befriend the young without having to take daily responsibility for them, they can often reach out beyond pride and the fear of failure and close the space of generations." -Jimmy Carter




"If I had known grandkids were so fun, I would have had them first." -Unknown


"It's funny what happens when you become a grandparent.  You start to act all goofy and do things you never thought you would do.  It's terrific!" -Mike K.


"To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word 'boo'." -Robert Breault


Last but certainly not least are these words straight from scripture that direct us in truth---


“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."   Deuteronomy 6:6-7







As I was thinking about this, I was reminded of our  dear partner friends,  Rodney and Betty Dunn, who live up in Orr, Minnesota, that we’ve known for years and years and years.  They have a family, and then God gave them the privilege of having neighbors who had children who became like their adopted little great grands.  We have followed their story of impact on these precious children next door for years.   I wanted to share it with you!   As you read their testimony, you will see how God took their grief and turned it into giving and pouring into the lives of these precious children  all through the years! 



Think about this....we not only have the privilege of impacting lives in our families, but even beyond our own.  Enjoy their testimony.








After a sweet conversation with a dear lifelong friend, Gloria Lundstrom, the theme of our sharing easily turned to the favorite subject of our children and grandchildren. At six years of age, our son, Steve, asked to go forward at a Lundstrom rally in International Falls, MN, and he joyfully accepted Jesus as his Savior.  Lisa was touched by her brother’s decision and she, too, at the young age of 4, asked Jesus into her heart.


After a tragic accident in 1992, our dear son went home to be with Jesus.  The pain of that loss left our hearts shattered but our choice was to trust God’s heart even if we could not trace His hand.  Healing began slowly but in 1995 our daughter and her husband blessed us with a precious granddaughter, Paige, and two years later with an amazing grandson, Noah.  My involvement with them is deep and meaningful, beginning in their infancy, early childhood years, their teens and on into early adulthood.   Even though our grandchildren lived over 200 miles away, I spent many weeks with them in their own home (while mom and dad were on vacations) and in our home as well.  They would often come for seven to ten day stays here at Pelican Lake.  I know that the strong bond I share with them is strongly affected by the death of my son.  I chose to pour my love, teaching, care and fun into their lives.  For over seven years I entered their words and experiences into journals which included many conversations about their Uncle Steve.  Their sweet words and questions about him was a huge part of my healing.   From those journals I spent hours on my computer entering all of their precious words and experiences (including photos). Then that special day came last year when I presented each of them with their own Memory Book numbering over 30 pages each.


At the age of two they each received a computer-made card from me with a promise, “Nannie will send you a card every month as I am able until I go to Heaven to be with Jesus”!  Paige is now 29 and Noah is nearing 27.  I have NEVER broken that promise….I also continue to give them a special card  (written by Steve through my heart each Christmas!)  

Their visits are now treasures for us to cherish along with their phone calls and loving texts.  What grandparent doesn’t love to hear these special words,  “I love you so much and I’m forever grateful for all you have done for me in my life.”


God also blessed us with special next door neighbors who entrusted their six month old twins (Addison and Alex) to my care two days a week until they began their pre-school years.  What a challenge and what a delight.  When Zoey was born three years after the twins, I was excited to be recruited again.  And what a joy she was, though very precocious and quite independent.   The twins are entering their Senior year in September and Zoey is now 14.  They quickly became our “adopted grandchildren” and we are blessed to be called Nannie and Papa.  These amazing young people now are available and willing to help us with so many tasks. They are so gifted, energetic, kind and so much fun.  Almost every week I receive a text from Zoey, “Are you home, Nannie?  Can we play some games now?”  She just left a few minutes ago and my heart is so happy!!!

A quick update on our current schedule, the grandkids have officially started school and the Lord saw to it that I was "schooled" again to have patience and practice the PAUSE.

August greetings from the beautiful smoky mountains of Tennessee!   It’s an unusual, low humidity day, and we are savoring it as tomorrow the heat index and the humidity will go sky again reaching 105 with the humidity.  It’s hard to believe it’s mid-August already.  Our neighbor asked, “How do you like retirement?"  And I responded, "I’m still trying to close down everything that I’ve been doing for many, many, many years, and we still have ministry out of our home."   I continued to share with her that there are so many people hurting who need prayer, comfort, advice, counseling, and to just know that someone cares".   And the truth of the matter is.....when you care about people, you never retire from ministering.  








We are now seeing in our area the hustle and bustle of school busses on the streets and the school areas that once seemingly asleep now awakened and crowded with dropping off/picking up children including our two grandchildren who started school last week.  Ladawn‘s son, Dante, and his two children, Tarran and Nova, are all excited about this new year meeting new friends and getting all the new supplies---backpacks, clothes, shoes… Oh how I remember those days!  I couldn’t wait to get new shoes (penny loafers with pennies in them)!  Isn't that something---I can still remember all of that!  Give me a handclap for that one! 













Tarran is seven years old now and begins second grade.  He calls "Papa" every morning before running to the school bus.  Grandpa chats with him for 2-3 minutes and then they pray together that God will be with him and help him in school and also for Nova and the family. 




Speaking of Nova, she started pre-kindergarten, and she already has met new friends.  She’s full of life.  She will definitely keep everybody busy! LOL!  She said to me on the phone yesterday morning,  "Do you remember being in second grade?"   I said, “Yes."  And then she asked,  "Do you remember your teacher's name?" I responded, "Yes, Miss Johnson."  She continued to question,  “What do you remember about her?"   I told her, "She was very pretty, sweet and when we all got her spelling words correctly, she would give us a butter--a  yellow Butterman for reward-- and yummy was it ever good!"  She giggled, "Wow!  You remembered a lot!"   The quiz was good for me---I think I passed my senior moment!   Nova is full energy, and she told this grandma that she loves all school and school projects.   She has no lack for words and brings excitement to any situation.



It seems Larry and my schedule is full of doctor appointments and therapy.  We also regular take walks at the Home Depot or Lowes building to keep our bodies moving.  Everyone knows Larry; they watch him pushing a cart and call him by name requesting, “Well, what’s the 'joke of the day'?  He loves to bring sunshine to everyone he meets.



As for me...a couple days ago I had an experience I’m gonna share with you: 

I just have to chuckle, in my memories a year ago, I had posted this quote,  “ Practice the pause”.


I guess God knew I needed a refresher course.  Larry and I took our car to get the oil changed.  We decided to go early as it was going to reach mid 90’s and add to that the Tennessee humidity and whew--it was going to be HOT!   The plan was to leave early while cool, go to Lowe’s for our therapy walk to keep our bones and bodies moving, and then run ‘quickly’ to the store to get all few things. The first part of the plan went great.  The second part of the plan did as well.  I then charged into the grocery store, and it looked calm and pretty quiet.  I grabbed my eggs, a cucumber, a half loaf bread, grapes, shredded cheese and Larry’s treat …4 icecream bars.   I quickly headed to the checkout.  In those few minutes, the self checkout line was already extending way down the aisle, and there was only one other checkout line open with one checker!   I told myself, “It’s okay, patience, Gloria.”   Then an employee announced, “I am opening aisle 4", and directed me to follow a man and his cart.  I smiled thinking to myself, ”Yes, here I go. I will be in and out in a couple minutes."  That was UNTIL I saw the guy's loaded cart in front of me.  It was full from top to bottom and overflowing!!!!   I looked at Larry’s little box of 4 icecream bars and groaned knowing they would melt before I could get through the checkout!   Then I thought to myself,  “Self, get his attention, make sweet conversation, and he will look and see you only have 7 things and will graciously offer to go ahead of him."   Good idea, right?  I proceeded to make light chitchat, he looked in my cart and as if blind, he began to piece by piece slowly unload his cart.


Long story short….twenty minutes later, he is done, my ice cream bars are melting, and my patience was a bit frayed.  The checkout checker announced to him his bill totaled… $472.56.  Nonchalantly, he didn’t gulp at the price, but I sure did. Then they proceeded to bag, bag, bag and bag!!!!!   I chuckled to the guy with the big grocery bill and said, "You’re going to eat good.  Are you gonna cook all of that?”    He said, “Yes, I am."  I then exclaimed, “Boy, I’d like to eat at your house, but I wouldn’t want your bill," and he just chuckled.   As he left, I proceeded to apologize to the checker about my ice cream, “Ma’am, I’m so sorry.  Could I please leave this ice cream here because I know it’s melted?"  She was so kind to have somebody go back and get me another box of ice cream bars.



Anyway , the situation was not life or death, but on my part, it was a moment to practice patience and a pause. When I finally arrived back to the car, I turned on my phone, and there was my quote from a year ago to the day.   Again, I was reminded---sometimes you just have to chill, swallow and be more patient, and don’t make a small thing into a big issue.


So Lord here I am, practicing “MY PAUSE!”      Have a good day!



Wow---now that was a Midwest whirlwind trip! Such a blessing to see so many dear friends and family while so emotional as we did the final closedown of the office. Celebrating Larry's 81st birthday was the cherry on top though!

Summer greetings from the beautiful Tennessee smoky mountains!


Whew!  We are still trying to catch our breath from our 2 week whirlwind business / personal trip back to Minnesota  and South Dakota.  We flew into Minneapolis on June 18th to meet with our Larry Lundstrom Ministry board for the last time.  They have not just been our board but also dear friends who have prayed for us and guided us with Godly advice,  prayer, and direction.   We are ever grateful.












Then on Friday we preceded to drive to Sisseton,  South Dakota, to our home base of our ministry for the past 58 years.    We were delighted that on Saturday, we were able to meet up with four of my brothers for a mini reunion.  Meanwhile our son, Donovan,  was driving our Yukon up to Sisseton to load up the ‘last’ of the ministry items.



On Sunday the 23rd we attended our home church who honored us with and Open House  from 2-4 PM.   It was so heartwarming to see so many friends we hadn’t seen in years.  We were also gifted this beautiful quilt---a treasure! 




While Donovan was home, we also took a quick trip out to the Lundstrom farm.  There is nothing quite like the South Dakota prairie and open sky.  Our hearts are ever grateful for the Lundstrom legacy of soulwinning that began there.



















On Monday and Tuesday, Marne- our office manager/ “ girl Friday” and us finished up the  "purging" and organizing that has been ongoing for the past two years.   We spent two days going through  the last mail, sending out the last letters to partners, and seeing all of the records/photos that recorded all of our years of ministry.  How emotional that was!  We already miss all of you.   








On Wednesday, June 26th, we said goodbye to our dear friend and co- host of “Coffee & Connect” plus 20 other hats she wore along with her mother, Kathie, who also was our office employee who helped process the daily mail with me, did counseling letters, and helped with whatever needed done---no job too big or small!   Needless to say there were tears and hugs.  We have always been blessed by God's very best office staff.  I won't name them all here but we are truly so grateful...many serving for over 15 years!  Larry and I could never have done what we did on the road without them taking full charge of our home office!!!  We have been so blessed.










We were delighted to take a quick pit stop on one of our travel days to see some friends that often joined us on our Fun & Fellowship tours.  So many memories made over the years.  We enjoyed a yummy brunch and a time of great visiting.



On July 29th, we made it back into Minneapolis for a mini-reunion with some of Larry's (Lundstrom) family and a few friends.  What a joyous event!   More visiting, reminiscing and celebrating!








On Sunday, July 1st, we were guests at The Fathers House, with Londa Lundstrom Ramsey, and we did a special "table talk"  with pictures, stories of our life on the road, a question time and Larry giving a short message on soul winning.  We were delighted and overjoyed as this time climaxed with three people giving their hearts to Christ at the altar call!  That’s what it’s all about! 










On July 3rd we flew out of Minneapolis to arrive back in Nashville.  It was so great to have gotten back to the Midwest, but so sweet to get back home again to our family.   




So that’s my story…… the truth….. the trip …. the tribute to God for the honor of representing Christ all these 58 plus years ‘together on the road’ (1965- 2024).  Thanks for your prayers and support all these years.  You have been such a blessing to us personally knowing you have prayed for us and encouraged us along the way.   


Our plan is to continue this web update to you through Christmas…. so this is NOT a goodbye, but it’s an update so you can follow us and pray for us. 


Together for souls---Larry & Gloria



Wow...we can hardly believe that we are nearing the middle of June!  Where does the time go?  The weather has definitely warmed up here in Tennessee.  I am hearing Larry use his favorite summertime joke that it is so hot that the birds are using potholders to get the worms out of the ground!  That's Larry and I am so grateful for him!  As we come to celebrating Father's Day, I am grateful for the great father, grandfather and great-grandfather he is.   He adores his family and it is his deepest desire that he is leaving a legacy that always points them to knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior each and every day of his life.


Speaking of legacy---as we are nearing the official closing of Larry Lundstrom Ministries, we have had people ask ---  are the Lundstrom's done?  To which we are happy to say, absolutely not!  We are so thankful and excited for the ways in which the Lundstrom's continue to spread the Gospel and point people to Jesus.


We actually did a recent COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE that  shares all about legacy---what it is, what we desire our legacy to be and how the Lundstrom legacy is continuing!

You can watch it here>>



May you have a very blessed weekend celebrating and letting the fathers/grandfathers/mentors in your life know how much you love and appreciate them!




P.S.  By the way, Lord willing, we will be making a short trip up to South Dakota in the next week.  If you are in the Sisseton region, please feel free to stop in and see us on Sunday (the 23rd) for a small open house.  We would love to see you!



A quick little update from Gloria asking the question, "Can people tell where you have been?" and an invitation if you are in the Sisseton, SD, area!

Good morning from Tennessee! It’s a beautiful morning and of course we’ve had so much rain that everything is so beautiful and green. The trees are so full of foliage and the flowers are gloriously brilliant displaying their colors.  I love it when God let us enjoy his creation.


Each morning when Larry and I pray we thank God that we could wake up… And wake up together. What a gift.  Speaking of that---we want to let you know about a little something that if you are in the Sisseton, South Dakota, area---please feel free to join us for a simple Open House at Family Life Assembly of God on June 23rd from 2-4 PM.  They are graciously hosting a time of coffee, celebration, treats and fellowship.  We would love to see you.











Speaking of celebrations, May was a full month, filled with graduations, Mother’s Day, and my 80th birthday ---which by the way I was asked how we celebrated it.   As a tradition, we go to Dairy Queen and get hotdogs.  I then get a marshmallow sundae with nuts on top and Larry gets his blizzard ..lol.  Through the years being on the road, we were always away from family and usually were parked someplace somewhere along our route so going to Dairy Queen became our tradition--and we still enjoy it.  For my 80th birthday, the kids took us out for a special dinner.  We then got together for Mother’s Day  where we all gathered at our house for what we midwestern folk  call a “potluck picnic!” Our son, Donovan, grilled brats and burgers and everybody brought all kinds of side dishes, salads, snacks, and desserts.   









There is nothing like being with family.   We love being this close to them at this stage of life.  We enjoy all of the moments.











A couple days ago, our neighbors next-door (who came from Ethiopia) had a cookout in their garage.  Larry and I were in the house and in the garage and when I went up into the house, I could smell the spices that just filled my house; it smelled so good.  I went over to swee what was causing this amazing aroma and here was about eight women in their garage cooking their Ethiopian specialty for the upcoming graduation of their son from high school.  They had huge stainless steel cooking pots filled with all kinds of goodies and spices.  One had lamb in it, another had chicken in it, and there were also huge baskets of onions, beans, greens, carrots,  and you name it all around.  The  big pots were filled to capacity and the ladies were stirring the big kettles with what looked like an oar for a boat.  The smell of the spices totally beckoned me in.  They invited me to come in and watch them cook for a few minutes.  Then (to my absolute delight) they offered me an Ethiopian specialty which looked  like a big wrap.  They commented, “I’m sure you won’t like that” to which I responded, "Oh yes, Mama Ruth (as I call her) has offered it to us before many months ago."  So she fixed us a plate to take home and wow, was it ever tasty and the spices were unbelievable.  By the way, it took several hours of a fan running in my house with opening the doors and windows to clear the lingering spice aroma that filled the house.



Speaking of the spices, I was told that in Middle-eastern countries, when people would visit each other's homes, they knew where they had been by the spices  they smelled on their clothes!   I was reminded "spiritually speaking" that as we dwell in the house of the Lord, in His Word, and in prayer that whoever we meet will sense the presence of God and they will KNOW where we have been.  It’s always our prayer (Larry and mine) that people will sense the presence of God in our lives.   And we pray that is your prayer and heart's desire as well.   Wherever you go after you’ve read this, whoever you meet or encounter whether that be at home, work, the grocery store, doctor's office....WHEREVER...you will have the fragrance of Jesus Christ and others will sense it and know where you’ve been. 


The Bible says there is peace in His presence...."The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

and there is healing...."Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." Psalm 103:2-3

and there is joy.... "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore".

May you experience  this today and always.




This week we celebrate Gloria's 80th birthday! A lot of change in that time, but the Changeless One has always been there holding, sustaining, steadying.



What a journey! Really—I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I am actually rolling up to my 80th birthday. I never dreamt I would ever live to be “that old” but here I am. I have always joked, “You know how to live a long life? Keep breathing!”













I am overjoyed in knowing that I have been able to invest my life in my family and be active in full time evangelism for almost 59 years.  What an honor, joy and privilege!  My heart bursts with gratefulness for all of the friends and partners that I have met along this journey. You have prayed for me and encouraged me on my journey. You truly have been



In honor of my 80th birthday, my family (unbeknownst to me) printed some beautiful letters in the newsletter.  I didn't see them until I opened my copy.  I have included them below.



Also, today we did a special COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE revisiting BIRTHDAYS, MEMORIES & LEGACY.  It was a special time as Marne interviewed us and we were able to share that after all the life that Larry and I have lived, what our hearts continue to beat for is that people would come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior!  That is truly the legacy we desire to continue on well after our days on this earth are done.  If you would like to watch that, it is below.







Lastly, we pray you have a marvelous May with all of the activities and hustle and bustle as we head into the summer months.  We just want you to know that today (15th) is the last day to make donations online or they must be postmarked with today's date.  We thank you for your understanding as we navigate this season.



Here I am settled in at our home outside of Nashville, Tennessee, after 60 some years of ministry after living in motorcoaches, traveling and setting up in churches all throughout the year, and crisscrossing the US being so grateful for my wife, prayer partner and ministry trenchmate!


There is a special lady who has been the most wonderful person in all the world, and I would never have had the ministry like the Lord has blessed us with if the Lord had not brought us together.  Gloria had prayed since she was 8 years old that when the time for a life-mate came, God would bring her to His will for her life. You may have heard the story of how Gloria asked me to go with her to the jail and share the Gospel. She was standing to the side to shoot a picture of the event when the Holy Spirit spoke to her heart and said, “This is the one I have for you to marry.” Now 58 plus years later, and those years packed with good times and hard times, the Lord has brought us through.


Looking back, I stand in awe at this remarkable time together. I could never put into words or thank Gloria enough for all she has sacrificed as she has lived a total selfless life and has given over and above in serving the Lord. Not only did she join with me in ministry, but she all traveled all across our country ministering through her own Set Free ministry
bringing freedom, joy and peace to others. Now after 40 plus years on our own, being 80 and 81, our bodies have to make a change and that time has come.


Gloria, I could never express how much you have given, served, and ministered to me, our family, our extended family
and to the lost and broken. To me, you are the Proverbs 31 woman. Ministries like ours share a similarity to my Dad—a
farmer and cattle rancher—both occupations have a harvest.  My dad would get paid by selling the crop or his calves once a year. Us, as soulwinners, will find out the results from our journey in heaven. I could never thank you enough for joining me on this adventure—for becoming the woman of God that you are, for serving with all your heart and sacrificing for the Lord. I love you.



SURPRISE MOM!  We wanted to take this opportunity in this final newsletter to honor you and to let you know how much we love you and how much you mean to us.

As far back as we can remember, you have always been writing a monthly newsletter. Lowell asked you to start writing a page in his Message for America newsletter back in 1971. Then you started writing your own newsletter and after 50 years, this marks the end of an era. What a wonderful legacy of ministry and heartfelt writing you have left us.  These have been monthly love letters of hope, articles of encouragement, testimonials and family milestones revealed to all our friends and partners.

It’s Mother’s Day and we are also celebrating your 80th birthday this month!  We want to take a moment to recognize what an amazing mother, friend and mentor you have been, not only to us as your children, but to all of the lives you have touched and still continue to inspire. We want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have been our rock, our prayer warrior, our fearless leader, comic relief, a safe place and an encourager, but most importantly, a Godly influence in our lives as well as an example of what a Godly woman is. You have given us unconditional love and support throughout the years and for that we are forever grateful.




Your kids-Lashawn, Ladawn & Donovan

Gram, when I heard about you “retiring” and that your ministry was wrapping up, I couldn’t really comprehend what all that even meant. It’s funny because you are my grandparents but always have been different than everyone else’s grandparents I knew growing up. The two of you have never been comparable!


Growing up, I never knew how to quite explain what my grandparents did for “work.” I never knew how to describe your whereabouts, how you lived in a motorhome or how you traveled 300+ days a year. As I got older, I tried to separate you from your “career”—only to find out, they are truly inseparable. Ministry is not something you just “do.” It
is who you are. You both completely encapsulate being together for Christ. You demonstrate using yourselves as impeccable vessels for Christ with a dedication that is truly worth recognizing and is inspirational.

I started thinking about the characteristics of you, my grandmother, that I love. Without a second thought, I started thinking about your distinct ability for someone to feel seen. I remember growing up, traveling or personal—we could
be at a random restaurant, family gathering or some truck stop in the middle of nowhere and you have always gone out of your way to make sure that any person who walks in the room or that you’re speaking to feels abundantly recognized.  Throughout these decades of ministry with your thousands of words written for newsletters, numerous miles travelled, countless crusades and speaking engagements, books written, letters answers, cookbooks created and even through COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE, you have always had a heart for everyone. You lead with a story or joke that reaches someone’s heart and I would guarantee that every person who has had an encounter with you has felt seen. So for that, I thank you.

Thank you for your bright eyed welcome with open arms, warm smile and firm pat on the back with your hugs. Thank you for the random early morning text with your encouraging words. Thank you for your countless hours of prayer
over everyone. Thank you for the small details you make sure not to forget to make someone feel seen. Only God knows the hours that you have spent on phone calls, writing back to your supporters, authoring books, writing songs and rehearsing, sitting passenger-side on long travelled roads, praying and investing in heaven. It is truly countless!

With all of that said, one of my biggest desires is to make sure you, Gloria, feel seen. Your dedication and lifelong commitment to ministry and your family is truly admired and inspiring. You deserve to be seen and recognized as a woman who truly represents Christ on earth. I pray you enjoy this next season of your life and can rest, travel when you desire, take care of yourself and enjoy time with your family. It is well deserved. I love you dearly and am so grateful for all you are! 


Your Granddaughter, Myanna

*In picture (Grandson-Dante', Granddaughter-Myanna, Great Grandson-Tarran, Great Granddaughter-Nova)

Happy Easter! Larry and I love the Easter season!  Not only because it is the time that we remember the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and celebrate His resurrection, but also, because it was during the Easter season that both Larry's family (the Lundstroms) and my family (the Brooks) passed from death to life as we came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!  We pray during this Holy Week that you take the time not to just prepare Easter baskets and an Easter meal, but to remember and give thanks for the most priceless gift the Lord gave---Himself---so that we could have eternity spent with Him!


Larry and I love the Easter season!  Not only because it is the time that we remember the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and celebrate His resurrection, but also, because it was during the Easter season that both Larry's family (the Lundstroms) and my family (the Brooks) passed from death to life as we came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!  We pray during this Holy Week that you take the time not to just prepare Easter baskets and an Easter meal, but to remember and give thanks for the most priceless gift the Lord gave---Himself---so that we could have eternity spent with Him!



We hope you are encouraged by this article that is in our April newsletter ---The Points of the Cross.  Also, after the article, we have a recent COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE video where special guest, Dr. Bose Mikkilineni shares his testimony of going from death to life and how the Gospel changed every thing!


Points of the Cross

An easy Gospel---that is the desire of many today.  They want an ear-tickling message that is not too convicting and not too convincing because the alternative would demand a lifestyle change and total commitment. 

The Easter Story was not an easy Gospel story.  It wasn’t easy to be falsely accused.  It wasn’t an easy road to carry the heavy cross.  It wasn’t a simple crucifixion without pain.  The nails that were driven into flesh were not painless nails.  It was not an easy, simple, painless death!  Yet…Jesus was willing to endure through to the end because He had an eternal purpose for you and me.

I like what Dyson Hague said, “No minister of Christ has the right to smooth off the corners of the cross.”  He continues, “There are eight corners of the cross we dare not smooth off.”  It is imperative that as ministers of the Gospel, we keep the Gospel true and authentic not taking the easy route.  Let me share the “points of the cross”.

The first corner is sin.  To dismiss sin is to dismiss what the cross is all about.  Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”


The second corner is repentance.  This was the first word in Jesus’ preaching.  Jesus didn’t say, “Be good and saved…” , “Do good works and you’ll be saved…, “ “Tithe and you are saved…,” or “Go to church and that will save you.”  What the Bible does say is Luke 13:3 says, “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”


The third corner is confession.  It is imperative to confess to God.  Romans 10:9 states, “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”


The fourth corner is self-denial.  Ouch!  That is a difficult one in today’s world where everything seemingly wants to revolve around us.  We are to deny ourselves—not indulge ourselves.  Matthew 16:24 is very clear, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”


Discipline is the fifth corner of the cross.  How can we be true disciples without discipline?  “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15


The sixth corner is holiness.  Psalm 19:14 proclaims, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord, My Strength and Redeemer.”  Purity in deed and thought is an absolute requisite to seeing God!


The seventh corner is stewardship.  Jesus preached about man and his money more than any other topic.  “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:33


The eighth corner is humility.  2 Peter 5:5-6 says, “…for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.   Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.”  Pride caused Satan’s fall from heaven, and may keep more people out of heaven than any other thing.


The cross was designed to cause Jesus pain.  Someone said, “We might be able to afford padded pews in the church, but we cannot afford to have a padded cross.”  Jesus didn’t promise a painless life, but we are promised a painless eternity if we make Him Lord of our lives and follow Him.  What joyous hope is offered to those who grasp the true Easter story---a story for today and every day to come---we are lost, Jesus provided the rescue through the cross, and it is our choice to reach out and embrace the work of the cross which provides eternity with Him!






Orange Rolls

This is a scrumptious recipe my mom used to make.  These would be a tasty Easter treat.



1 pkg yeast in 1/4 cup water

1 tsp salt

2 eggs

1/2 cup sour cream

6 Tbsp butter, melted

3 cups flour



3/4 cup sugar

1 cup coconut

2 Tbsp grated orange



3/4 cup sugar

2 Tbsp orange juice

1/2 cup sour cream


Beat the roll ingredients together and knead.  Let rise for two hours.  Roll out to 12"x 12".  Brush with melted butter.  Mix together the filling ingredients and spring over dough.  Roll dough up and cut into rolls.  Let rise.  Bake 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees.  To put icing on the rolls---combine the icing ingredients into a saucepan.  Boil until it thickens.  Pour over rolls and then sprinkle 1 cup coconut on them.


Happy Valentine's Day! Please know you are loved and appreciated by us. Read about some reflections from the past 58 years and then some BIG NEWS about CHANGE that is happening with our ministry as the time continues to pass by!




I am sitting here in our living room in Tennessee reminiscing.




Place: RCA Studio in Nashville, Tennessee


Year: 1966


Who: Newlyweds of a few months.


What: My brother in law, Lowell Lundstrom, had just written a new song that we were recording entitled, “Cherished Moments.”











          Here’s Verse 1:

          Time rushes by and life fades away

          It disappears and soon we are old and gray

         Oh what I would give to live life one more time

         I cherish every moment that was mine.













We were only 22 and 23 years old at that time. We thought we would live forever, our parents would somehow live forever and we just couldn’t visualize getting old.  We got fooled—because reality hits. I can hardly believe Larry and I have been together in ministry for 58 years.











I so vividly remember coming off our first six week tour after our 1965 wedding totally and completely exhausted thinking, “How will we (or I) ever make it on this crazy schedule? How long can we keep this up?”  We all felt the fatigue.  In a conversation heading back to Sisseton, Lowell commented, “We have been out here almost seven years on the road. We can’t keep this pace up. We are going to travel about three-four months a year and be off road with other projects the rest of the year.” That was music to my ears.















Soon after that, doors began to open in every direction for great and expanded ministry opportunities: radio, TV, united crusades, camps, guest appearances, seminars, Holy Land tours, and more recordings of albums and national TV specials. We soon found ourselves on the road eleven months out of the year. We knew we were all called to evangelism and we were excited to win the lost at any cost.  Multiplied thousands responded to the altar calls, and we were honored to be a part of seeing them come to Christ.









Fast forward to 1981, Larry and I became the associate evangelists and hit the road with our immediate family reaching and encouraging other families for Christ through seminars, crusades, camps, etc. Thousands made commitments for Christ. The journey has been thrilling, fun, challenging, and certainly life-altering. We have experienced moments and seasons of strength, weakness, laughter, cheers and tears as we have encountered 58 years of many times, uncharted waters. We have won. We have lost. We have ridden the tumultuous waves of change in America, the culture, the world, morality, church fads and structures, but God has remained faithful as we have endeavored to remain faithful to Him. We have 58 years of ministry that we have shared together with you—family, partners and our extended family.


















Now with a grateful heart and tears flowing, we have come to a heart wrenching and difficult decision to close the door of our cherished ministry due to health reasons and the need to care for each other and to be with and for our family in the Nashville area.




















We’ve had weeks of sleepless nights and tears because we love each one of you so much. You have prayed for us, held us up, supported us and encouraged us. You are “our dear cherished friends.” We have joyfully spent years praying mornings over you. We have gotten to know your families, watched them grow and have traversed valleys with you and rejoiced in your joys and mountaintops. Thank you for being so trusting. Thank you for this most cherished ride. Many of your children and grandchildren came to Christ under our ministry. What an honor and thrill!




The last line of the song “Cherished Moments” says this:

If I could live my life one more time

I would cherish every moment that was mine.













Larry and I deeply feel that! In the month of May, we will issue our last monthly newsletter which will close this ministry journey celebrating my 80th birthday and beginning a new phase of our journey with mixed feelings. We thought it was hard to begin our ministry in 1965 together, but that was nothing compared to trying to land this plane. Our emotions are riveting. Please pray for us as we love you so much!


Gloria and Larry

Merry Christmas! May we all remember the true Reason for Christmas, and share His light with a world so in need! We are thankful for each and every one of you. May this Christmas season overflow with love, joy and perfect peace!


We are just days away from celebrating Christmas and as we look forward to this special time spent with family and friends, we are very mindful that had not Jesus come from heaven to earth over 2,000 years ago, our lives would be completely different. 

Where we were once in despair, now we can live in hope! 

Where we were shrouded in darkness, we now walk in the light! 

Where we were anxious and in fear, we now know peace that passes all understanding.

Where we were chained by sin, we are now free!

His coming as Emmanuel-God with us-changed everything!

May you also know Jesus---the One who came to seek and save the lost!  He will change everything!




P.S.  We were delighted to have two of our children join us for our COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE program.  We had so much fun, we split it into two episodes.  We have included the videos here for you to enjoy if you like.  






Also, here is the article from our Christmas card---one of my most remembered Christmases!




With each passing year of life, the more I find that Christmas finds me looking back over the many Christmas experiences I have had. I suppose I do more “looking back” these days because there are so many to look back on!


I remember what my first “REAL” Christmas was like after coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Our entire family had changed and thus the Christmas celebration took on new meaning as it was when our Lord came to earth as a baby with the purpose to save me, my brothers, my parents, my friends, everyone from their sins. The songs held new meaning. Even the decorations took on fresh meaning as the lights twinkled and we now knew the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.


I remember the Christmas that definitely revealed that I was a bit of a tomboy! My parents had asked us kids what we wanted for Christmas. I blurted out, “I WANT A TRACTOR AND A NECKTIE!” To my mom’s consternation I am sure, she cajoled, “Missy, wouldn’t you like a pretty doll with lace and curls?” I was determined that I wanted what my brothers would want. That Christmas with great anticipation, I opened the beautifully wrapped gift and discovered a DOLL! I was not impressed and began to sob. My mother cradled me and expressed that she was sorry as she didn’t really think I wanted a tractor. I assured her I did. She graciously said she would exchange the doll—and she did thus making me the happiest little girl in the world with my tractor.


But there is one Christmas that I will never forget! I was 7 years old and I had been anxiously waiting for Christmas all year. I had just figured out that there wasn’t a Santa Clause after inspecting the chimney and knowing he couldn’t fit through it which meant that my parents were the ones who gave us the gifts. With 13 of us, I couldn’t see how Dad could possibly afford it. Yet when asked what I wanted that Christmas, I responded that I wanted a sled and a doll (finally I was asking for a doll)! My brothers and I kept encouraging my parents to go shopping before the presents were all picked over. Finally, the time came when they went shopping. We were anxiously waiting for them to return when we saw the beam of car headlights as we pressed our noses against the frost covered window trying to see if we could get a glimpse of what they were carrying out of the car. When Dad and Mom got up to the house, they set the bags on the porch before coming in so they could make sure we were not in sight. We ran upstairs with instructions that when they had wrapped the gifts, we could come back down. We heard the front door slam which meant they were bringing in the presents and waited to hear the sounds of the rustling of wrapping paper. Instead we heard, “But who would have taken them? We just left them on the porch for less than five minutes!” Our hearts sank in disbelief!


A few minutes later, Dad beckoned us to come downstairs and soberly announced, “Somebody has stolen some of the Christmas presents we had put on the porch.” To which a brother asked, “Then we won’t have presents this year?” Our parents looked at each other and tried to smile. Mom finally replied, “We will just have to wait and see.” We all quietly made our way upstairs to go to bed, and I remember crying myself to sleep that night.


A couple of days before Christmas, us kids gathered together and questioned, “What are we going to do on Christmas Eve? We have to celebrate Christmas!” One of my brothers came up with the idea, “I know, let’s make a skit of Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus. Let’s fill a little manger and wrap a doll in a blanket. We can sing and say our Christmas pieces. We will make Dad and Mom happy.” Before we knew it all the gloom had left as we busily planned how to entertain our parents on Christmas Eve.


It was now the 24th of December. We were all prepared with our surprise, but to our amazement, our parents had returned home from somewhere and there were packages in their arms! I asked what was in them and with a twinkle in her eye, Mom said, “Well, your dad somehow managed to buy each of you a present!” The gifts were wrapped and placed under the tree. A few hours later, we turned off all of the lights except the Christmas tree and announced , “Dad and Mom, we have a surprise for you! Come and sit down.” Excitedly we began our skit. My older brother was Joseph, I was Mary and my old doll was Jesus. Three more brothers were the wisemen and others were shepherds. As we acted out the Christmas story, we felt the presence of Christ fill the room. We sang Christmas carols and recited our Christmas pieces. Then, in the quietness of the living room, with the tree lights twinkling like stars above us, we concluded in a time of prayer.


All of a sudden Dad announced, “Okay, it’s time for presents!” Joy exploded and we held our gifts tightly and opened them slowly knowing the extra sacrifices our parents made so we could have presents to open. I remember opening my gift to see a doll that I had wanted and how special it was to me for many years. It was truly a CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER!


May you have a CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER as you celebrate the One who sacrificed His life so you could have the greatest gift of all— ETERNAL LIFE! 


"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins."  Matthew 1:21



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