Who doesn't love some coffee (or favorite beverage) and some authentic conversation on topics close to our hearts?!  Larry and Gloria share in these times together stories, lessons, challenges and joys in a way that feels like they are sitting right across the table from you with coffee cups in hand.  These are being done LIVE on Facebook but we are able to make them available to you here as well.  The most recent video is near the top of this page.  Enjoy!

Coffee & Connect LIVE October 17, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Thursday, October 17, 2024

Larry and Gloria celebrate 59 years of marriage and recount their wedding day and share the wisdom they would share with their younger selves heading into life together. You then get to see a compilation of photos of their lives that were put together to celebrate 40 years of marriage taking a trip down memory lane. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring GOOD NEWS..."

Coffee & Connect LIVE September 18, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Join Larry and Gloria Lundstrom and Londa Lundstrom Ramsey for PART 2 this special last service highlighting a table talk session of strategies for your family. You will enjoy some old photos and footage, but more than that, the wisdom and experience that has been compiled and treasured through the years of ministry, marriage and family. The one liners are quick and to the point-the humor never absent. There was an abundance of goodness so this has been sectioned into two CCLIVE episodes. Enjoy!

Coffee & Connect LIVE September 11, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Join Larry and Gloria Lundstrom and Londa Lundstrom Ramsey for this special last service highlighting a table talk session of strategies for your family. You will enjoy some old photos and footage, but more than that, the wisdom and experience that has been compiled and treasured through the years of ministry, marriage and family. The one liners are quick and to the point and the humor never absent. There was an abundance of goodness so this has been sectioned into two CCLIVE episodes. Enjoy!

Coffee & Connect LIVE August 7, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Thursday, August 8, 2024

Time is fleeting! It is hard to believe that some families are already heading back to school. We often feel like we have this abundance of time, but each of our lives have a start and an end point and what matters is what we have done in the moments we have to secure that our end point on this earth is a continuation of relationship with Jesus but now in heaven. For the one who remains in sin, there are some things they will find out quickly and soberly 60 seconds after they die. Don't wait!

Coffee & Connect LIVE July 3, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, July 3, 2024

With Independence Day right around the corner, you will love this beautiful patriotic God honoring concert shared with us by two extremely talented individuals using their gifts to glorify God! With Jeff's supreme talent on the keys and Tina's rich sincere sounds, you will find yourself joining in to worship and adore our great and good God! Enjoy!

Coffee & Connect LIVE June 12, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, June 12, 2024

LEGACY---as we near the celebration of Father's Day and the closing of this chapter of Larry Lundstrom Ministries, it is the word that is regularly being utilized. What is my legacy? How will it continue? How will I be remembered? What am I doing today that is shaping a legacy I would want leave? Larry and Gloria share about their legacy and how the Lundstrom legacy will continue, as well as, a miraculous story of how God provided for Gloria that ultimately kept her on her ministry journey!

Coffee & Connect LIVE May 15, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Birthdays, memories, legacy---those are the topics of discussion in this COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE. As Gloria turns 80 years old this week, she reflects on some favorite memories and also how much the world has changed in those 80 years. This naturally leads to the memories that Larry and Gloria have shared and the change that is now before them as LLM ends. The sole desire of them both is that the legacy of winning the lost at any cost will continue on with them and those impacted by the ministry!

Coffee & Connect LIVE May 8, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In this insightful episode, Larry and Gloria take the opportunity to interview Missionaries-Brian & Mary Beth Stubenrauch. You will smile as you hear how God set their pathways together, be delighted as you hear how they have served so faithfully in various areas of Thailand and be encouraged as they continue to say YES to Jesus and the steps He has before them. This precious couple makes you want to be more like Jesus and to follow Him wholeheartedly. God can do what man cannot!

Coffee & Connect LIVE April 24, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, April 24, 2024

"God, where are you? Do you see me? How many sleepless nights do I have to endure? Do you even know I'm here and I need you?" If you have ever thought or uttered those questions, this CCLIVE is for you. Gloria takes some time to share her heart as she feels many are going through a valley of discouragement (being robbed of courage) and need the reminder that you are needed, you are seen, you are not forgotten and God is able to bring you through to the other side of this time of difficulty.

Coffee & Connect LIVE April 10, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, April 10, 2024

As Larry and Gloria reflect back on nearly 60 years of ministry together, they humbly know and recognize that they could never have done it by themselves. Obviously the Lord has been present and guiding and providing all they needed along the way, but the Lord also placed individuals with willing hearts, special gifts and hearts of compassion to see the lost come to Christ. Larry and Gloria share some of the stories of those that "came alongside" and helped make heaven more populated!

Coffee & Connect LIVE March 20, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, March 20, 2024

It has been the absolute joy and passion of Larry and Gloria's lives to share the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel and to see lives changed from darkness to life! About 28 years ago, it was a service like so many before, but it was the night that a life was transformed and a new name was written in the Book of Life...that of Bose Mikkilineni. In that moment, being a surgeon (though accomplished) didn't matter, but becoming a child of God was everything! Hear this amazing testimony and don't give up!

Coffee & Connect LIVE February 28, 2024

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Life is full of change--something we can count on happening. In today's CCLIVE, Larry and Gloria reminisce about the many changes that they have faced individually and together. These changes in life have led them to the very moment they are now in and where they indeed face another change together as due to health issues, they are closing the Larry Lundstrom Ministries office. Be treated to a beautiful song, Cherished Moments, that pans over many precious and cherished moments of their lives!

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