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Salvation Now

Salvation Now

Do you feel like something is missing in your life?  Are you empty?  The GOOD NEWS is we were created for relationship with God through His son, Jesus Christ.  We all have an ache that until filled by our Creator, is searching for meaning, purpose and love.  There is hope.  There is One who gave everything so you can live!  Find out more by clicking below!

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Leaving Legacy

Leaving Legacy

Our vision can be summed up in one word---EVANGELISM!  It has been our driving force for over 50 years---preaching the simple, transforming salvation message of Jesus Christ. Our greatest legacy is to see lives changed for an eternity:  depopulating hell and populating heaven!   We are doing our best to live out the Great Commission providing hope for a world that is desperately in need of THE ANSWER!

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Help Us Go

Help Us Go

Over the past 50+ years in ministry, the road has been our home as we have traveled millions of miles. In that time, we have seen multiplied thousands make decisions to follow Christ after hearing the simple Gospel message.  We simply could not do it without faithful friends and partners who support us along the way.  Thank you for your generosity throughout the years. We are no longer accepting donations.

Upcoming Events

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Latest On the Road

October 17, 2024: Celebrating 59 years of marriage and relying daily on the Lord for strength, joy and hope for the days to come! We are ever grateful for how the Lord has walked with us all of these years and continues to be close and the center of our lives each and every day.

September 13, 2024: We recently celebrated Grandparents Day and we consider it such an honor to be grandparents and now great grandparents. Enjoy some wonderful input from some dear friends of ours on their grandparenting journey and how important it is!

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John 4:35
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