August 23, 2023

An update on the health journey of Gloria and the beauty of JOY in the midst of it all!


Whew!  Talk about hot!  It was nearly 100 degrees the last few days and the heat index showed 112 degrees yesterday .  Larry informed me it was so hot that the birds are using hot pad holders to pull the worms out of the ground. (Groan---would you expect anything different out of Larry?)   I thank God he is happy or I would have a big 6’3, 224 pound problem on my hands.  HA!  I love his upbeat, positive and always happy attitude.  In fact a couple of minutes ago, he hung up from a business call and the company manager said, “Thanks for the jokes and the laughs—you made my day better!”


As you know, we were never promised all sunshiney days, but God has promised His everlasting love and much joy if we remain close to Him.  Larry and I choose JOY!  We have been on a long health journey with more than enough detours and painful speed bumps along the way.  I am rejoicing as I have completed and come through more-than–anticipated heart issues and procedures.  It is bad when you get rolled into surgery and you are surrounded by 12 members of a surgical team and they look at the chart and exclaim, "Gloria Lundstrom…you again?  Weren’t you just here a couple weeks ago?"  It is a bit unsettling when they have thousands go through the Vanderbilt University/Medical Facility and they recognize you---not due to popularity but medical necessity. 


Regardless, I am happy to tell you that the pacemaker implant is humming along.  I had to go back to the clinic and have it tweaked and reprogrammed due to some unfortunate side effects---namely my body did not like having a foreign object in it which caused lots of pain, but they are deciding to get along and things are getting better.  I’m looking forward to more energy returning.  I have been waiting.  I think it lost my address but hoping it will find me real soon.  Until then, I am learning the art of patience.


Thanks for all of your prayers the past several weeks.  We appreciate it more than you will every know.  This summer has flown by and soon it will be fall.  Larry and I keep busy ministering by phone, email, mail, texts and through COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE.  We have had a number of deaths in our extended ministry family the past few months.  It is truly an honor to walk the journey with them, praying and encouraging them through these difficult times.



Just a little humor....Vanderbilt University & Medical System is a huge enterprise.  Of course, with Larry’s imagination, he came up with his own homemade joke.  We have encountered dozens of doctors, nurses and staff the past few weeks and when they are all in a serious mode, he says, “Do you know what kind of belt the Dutchman wears here at the Medical Center? “  After a short pause, he says, "A Vander-belt."  Of course, they chuckle. 



Truly, a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.  (Proverbs 17:22)  Larry and I encourage you to choose joy and choose laughter!  Even though sometimes I think Larry may sometimes get over medicated, I love his joy and he shares it!  This cartoon feels a little close to the truth today, but we can sure laugh about it!














Just a little something to make you smile---Tarran started first grade and loves his teacher and school.  Nova is three attending a daycare academy and is loving her new friends!













*This is a great dessert to help cool you down in these hot August days!



1 lb Oreo cookies

1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream

1 1/2 cup evaporated milk

2/3 cup chocolate chips

12 oz Spanish peanuts

1 cup butter

2 cups powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla


Crush the cookies and then mix with 1/2 cup butter.  Pat mixture into a 9x13 pan.  Refrigerate for one hour.  Soften ice cream and spread over the cookie mixture.  Freeze.  Combine milk, chocolate chips, powdered sugar and 1/2 cup butter.  Boil for 8 minutes, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat.  Add vanilla.  Cool.  Sprinkle peanuts over ice cream.  Pour sauce over peanuts.  Freeze.  Enjoy on a hot day!

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