Who would have dreamt that two 'rivaling' teenagers raised in the same town, Sisseton, South Dakota...in the same church...in the early 60's would fall in love and marry? More amazing is this young newlywed couple moved into a cramped tour bus with other family members and began traveling across America after only a three day honeymoon! That young couple was Larry and Gloria Lundstrom...the other family members were Lowell and Connie Lundstrom.
Let's back up a little further in our story. As a young teenager in high school, Larry played bass in his brother's rock and roll band. However, in 1957, Larry and his family accepted Christ in a little church in their hometown of Sisseton, SD. That was the end of their rock and roll band and the birthing of "The Lundstrom Evangelistic Crusade Team".

In 1965, Larry and Gloria were married and she immediately was 'drafted' into the Lundstrom Evangelistic Crusade Team. For the next 17 years, the two Lundstrom families and their children traveled from town to town -- city to city -- nearly 320 days of the year conducting soul winning crusades.
: The Start of "Family to Family" Ministries :
With the Lundstrom ministry growing rapidly, God confirmed in everyone's heart that the time was now right for Larry and Gloria to birth their new soul winning ministry. It was a hard decision in the natural to realize they would not be ministering side by side with Lowell and Connie as they had for the past 17 years. However, there was no doubt that God had placed in their hearts the burning passion and anointing to win the lost to Christ.
December 13, 1982, was an emotional but exciting night as Larry and Gloria with their three children, LaShawn, LaDawn and LeeDonovan left for their first ministry tour. Over the years, team members would join them in singing and preaching across Canada and the United States. Eventually, their three children grew up and left to pursue their personal careers. Yet, they continued to forge ahead with the soulwinning vision.
In reflecting back to that December night, there was no doubt that God had gone before them. In spite of the hardships of traveling 300 nights a year for over 40 years and the goodbyes to children; grandchildren and friends, Larry and Gloria are unwavering in their passion of winning people to Christ.
In the past year, Larry and Gloria have faced unexpected health concerns, but even in the midst of uncertainties, set backs and slowed schedules, Larry and Gloria's heart for evangelism remains the same...
"We can't stop preaching the gospel knowing there would be someone's loved one who would miss the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ. Time is shorter than we think and frankly there is an urgency in our hearts to reach every one that we can!"
You cannot be around Larry and Gloria very long before you sense their genuine love for God and people. They both posess great wit, charm and humor that makes you feel like you've known them for years. This unique gift allows them to share Christ from the youngest to the oldest.
Through all the years, and especially now, their faith remains strong and unwavering. Tethered to the faithfulness and guidance of the Lord. Larry and Gloria bring a "foundational" message, both in the gospel and in the way they live. As long as God will send them - they will go!
- Meet Larry & Gloria
- Looking Back...Lundstrom Family
- Lowell & Connie Lundstrom's 50th Celebration-2007
: Photos from the Past :