The Lord has used Gloria in the ministry of motivating, encouraging, lifting up and teaching women on how to have a new lease on life.
Gloria's book entitled, Free At Last, shares her testimony of how God set her free from fear, rejection, low self-esteem, bitterness and an unforgiving spirit. Her burden is to help women become free to be what God wants them to be!
Gloria's ministry to the women of the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God was relevant and timely. She dealt with issues that so many women struggle with and have difficulty admitting to such as depression and unforgiveness. Gloria's transparency concerning her own struggles in these areas gives other women the hope to step forward and receive the healing, deliverance, and restoration that can only come from Jesus Christ. The ladies left singing, shouting, dancing......REJOICING! We were blessed by her ministry! |
Gloria was the keynote speaker at the Hawaii District Women's Ministries Retreat. She is innovative and dynamic. Many women were renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated through Gloria's ministry. Through her testimonies, the women could relate and as a result inner healings took place. It was so wonderful to see God at work in the broken lives of so many women. I highly recommend the ministry of Gloria Lundstrom to your church or event. She demonstrates a deep love for Christ and sensitivity in dealing with broken people. |
"What a beautiful weekend" was the response of the women who attended. "Gloria blessed me so!" Her ministry was so real, warm, down to earth, encouraging, and uplifting. I came hurting and left uplifted and determined because Gloria has risen above heartache and has allowed God to enter their lives with healing. Dynamic, powerful, uplifting, inspiring and "right on" was the ministry of Gloria Lundstrom, yet "gentle in spirit" as she shared herself with us. We were blessed!!! |
Gloria Lundstrom has ministered at our church a number of times, including a mother/daughter banquet. I highly recommend her as a speaker. Her sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is evident. All her messages are sprinkled with her good humor. Her many life experiences make her believable and "real". Most of all her solid knowledge of the Bible is the foundation for all her speaking. The insight and anointing that she brings to any gathering ensures that lives will be changed! Sherry Brooks Oak Creek Assembly of God 7311 South 13th Street Oak Creek WI 53154 |
Gloria's Promotional Materials