May 15, 2024

This week we celebrate Gloria's 80th birthday! A lot of change in that time, but the Changeless One has always been there holding, sustaining, steadying.



What a journey! Really—I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I am actually rolling up to my 80th birthday. I never dreamt I would ever live to be “that old” but here I am. I have always joked, “You know how to live a long life? Keep breathing!”













I am overjoyed in knowing that I have been able to invest my life in my family and be active in full time evangelism for almost 59 years.  What an honor, joy and privilege!  My heart bursts with gratefulness for all of the friends and partners that I have met along this journey. You have prayed for me and encouraged me on my journey. You truly have been



In honor of my 80th birthday, my family (unbeknownst to me) printed some beautiful letters in the newsletter.  I didn't see them until I opened my copy.  I have included them below.



Also, today we did a special COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE revisiting BIRTHDAYS, MEMORIES & LEGACY.  It was a special time as Marne interviewed us and we were able to share that after all the life that Larry and I have lived, what our hearts continue to beat for is that people would come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior!  That is truly the legacy we desire to continue on well after our days on this earth are done.  If you would like to watch that, it is below.







Lastly, we pray you have a marvelous May with all of the activities and hustle and bustle as we head into the summer months.  We just want you to know that today (15th) is the last day to make donations online or they must be postmarked with today's date.  We thank you for your understanding as we navigate this season.



Here I am settled in at our home outside of Nashville, Tennessee, after 60 some years of ministry after living in motorcoaches, traveling and setting up in churches all throughout the year, and crisscrossing the US being so grateful for my wife, prayer partner and ministry trenchmate!


There is a special lady who has been the most wonderful person in all the world, and I would never have had the ministry like the Lord has blessed us with if the Lord had not brought us together.  Gloria had prayed since she was 8 years old that when the time for a life-mate came, God would bring her to His will for her life. You may have heard the story of how Gloria asked me to go with her to the jail and share the Gospel. She was standing to the side to shoot a picture of the event when the Holy Spirit spoke to her heart and said, “This is the one I have for you to marry.” Now 58 plus years later, and those years packed with good times and hard times, the Lord has brought us through.


Looking back, I stand in awe at this remarkable time together. I could never put into words or thank Gloria enough for all she has sacrificed as she has lived a total selfless life and has given over and above in serving the Lord. Not only did she join with me in ministry, but she all traveled all across our country ministering through her own Set Free ministry
bringing freedom, joy and peace to others. Now after 40 plus years on our own, being 80 and 81, our bodies have to make a change and that time has come.


Gloria, I could never express how much you have given, served, and ministered to me, our family, our extended family
and to the lost and broken. To me, you are the Proverbs 31 woman. Ministries like ours share a similarity to my Dad—a
farmer and cattle rancher—both occupations have a harvest.  My dad would get paid by selling the crop or his calves once a year. Us, as soulwinners, will find out the results from our journey in heaven. I could never thank you enough for joining me on this adventure—for becoming the woman of God that you are, for serving with all your heart and sacrificing for the Lord. I love you.



SURPRISE MOM!  We wanted to take this opportunity in this final newsletter to honor you and to let you know how much we love you and how much you mean to us.

As far back as we can remember, you have always been writing a monthly newsletter. Lowell asked you to start writing a page in his Message for America newsletter back in 1971. Then you started writing your own newsletter and after 50 years, this marks the end of an era. What a wonderful legacy of ministry and heartfelt writing you have left us.  These have been monthly love letters of hope, articles of encouragement, testimonials and family milestones revealed to all our friends and partners.

It’s Mother’s Day and we are also celebrating your 80th birthday this month!  We want to take a moment to recognize what an amazing mother, friend and mentor you have been, not only to us as your children, but to all of the lives you have touched and still continue to inspire. We want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have been our rock, our prayer warrior, our fearless leader, comic relief, a safe place and an encourager, but most importantly, a Godly influence in our lives as well as an example of what a Godly woman is. You have given us unconditional love and support throughout the years and for that we are forever grateful.




Your kids-Lashawn, Ladawn & Donovan

Gram, when I heard about you “retiring” and that your ministry was wrapping up, I couldn’t really comprehend what all that even meant. It’s funny because you are my grandparents but always have been different than everyone else’s grandparents I knew growing up. The two of you have never been comparable!


Growing up, I never knew how to quite explain what my grandparents did for “work.” I never knew how to describe your whereabouts, how you lived in a motorhome or how you traveled 300+ days a year. As I got older, I tried to separate you from your “career”—only to find out, they are truly inseparable. Ministry is not something you just “do.” It
is who you are. You both completely encapsulate being together for Christ. You demonstrate using yourselves as impeccable vessels for Christ with a dedication that is truly worth recognizing and is inspirational.

I started thinking about the characteristics of you, my grandmother, that I love. Without a second thought, I started thinking about your distinct ability for someone to feel seen. I remember growing up, traveling or personal—we could
be at a random restaurant, family gathering or some truck stop in the middle of nowhere and you have always gone out of your way to make sure that any person who walks in the room or that you’re speaking to feels abundantly recognized.  Throughout these decades of ministry with your thousands of words written for newsletters, numerous miles travelled, countless crusades and speaking engagements, books written, letters answers, cookbooks created and even through COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE, you have always had a heart for everyone. You lead with a story or joke that reaches someone’s heart and I would guarantee that every person who has had an encounter with you has felt seen. So for that, I thank you.

Thank you for your bright eyed welcome with open arms, warm smile and firm pat on the back with your hugs. Thank you for the random early morning text with your encouraging words. Thank you for your countless hours of prayer
over everyone. Thank you for the small details you make sure not to forget to make someone feel seen. Only God knows the hours that you have spent on phone calls, writing back to your supporters, authoring books, writing songs and rehearsing, sitting passenger-side on long travelled roads, praying and investing in heaven. It is truly countless!

With all of that said, one of my biggest desires is to make sure you, Gloria, feel seen. Your dedication and lifelong commitment to ministry and your family is truly admired and inspiring. You deserve to be seen and recognized as a woman who truly represents Christ on earth. I pray you enjoy this next season of your life and can rest, travel when you desire, take care of yourself and enjoy time with your family. It is well deserved. I love you dearly and am so grateful for all you are! 


Your Granddaughter, Myanna

*In picture (Grandson-Dante', Granddaughter-Myanna, Great Grandson-Tarran, Great Granddaughter-Nova)

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