September 13, 2024

We recently celebrated Grandparents Day and we consider it such an honor to be grandparents and now great grandparents. Enjoy some wonderful input from some dear friends of ours on their grandparenting journey and how important it is!

Greetings from Tennessee!   As I’m writing this, we are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Francine which made its way along the Gulf Coast.  We are praying for them. We are grateful just to get some heavy rain and high winds.


Last weekend was Grandparents Day and across the USA, grandparents were celebrated and honored by  their grandchildren and great grandchildren. We, as grandparents, have the privilege and the honor to have a part in impacting their lives that will impact generation to generation. 



We were blessed to be able to take our two grandchildren Dante and Myanna on  the road with us when they were little during the summer months.  It was fun connecting with them and building bridges that have lasted as now they are 30 years old and 26. 



I recently ran across these enlightening statements about grandparenting:



"Because (grandparents) are usually free to love and guide and befriend the young without having to take daily responsibility for them, they can often reach out beyond pride and the fear of failure and close the space of generations." -Jimmy Carter




"If I had known grandkids were so fun, I would have had them first." -Unknown


"It's funny what happens when you become a grandparent.  You start to act all goofy and do things you never thought you would do.  It's terrific!" -Mike K.


"To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms but absolutely terrified of the word 'boo'." -Robert Breault


Last but certainly not least are these words straight from scripture that direct us in truth---


“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."   Deuteronomy 6:6-7







As I was thinking about this, I was reminded of our  dear partner friends,  Rodney and Betty Dunn, who live up in Orr, Minnesota, that we’ve known for years and years and years.  They have a family, and then God gave them the privilege of having neighbors who had children who became like their adopted little great grands.  We have followed their story of impact on these precious children next door for years.   I wanted to share it with you!   As you read their testimony, you will see how God took their grief and turned it into giving and pouring into the lives of these precious children  all through the years! 



Think about this....we not only have the privilege of impacting lives in our families, but even beyond our own.  Enjoy their testimony.








After a sweet conversation with a dear lifelong friend, Gloria Lundstrom, the theme of our sharing easily turned to the favorite subject of our children and grandchildren. At six years of age, our son, Steve, asked to go forward at a Lundstrom rally in International Falls, MN, and he joyfully accepted Jesus as his Savior.  Lisa was touched by her brother’s decision and she, too, at the young age of 4, asked Jesus into her heart.


After a tragic accident in 1992, our dear son went home to be with Jesus.  The pain of that loss left our hearts shattered but our choice was to trust God’s heart even if we could not trace His hand.  Healing began slowly but in 1995 our daughter and her husband blessed us with a precious granddaughter, Paige, and two years later with an amazing grandson, Noah.  My involvement with them is deep and meaningful, beginning in their infancy, early childhood years, their teens and on into early adulthood.   Even though our grandchildren lived over 200 miles away, I spent many weeks with them in their own home (while mom and dad were on vacations) and in our home as well.  They would often come for seven to ten day stays here at Pelican Lake.  I know that the strong bond I share with them is strongly affected by the death of my son.  I chose to pour my love, teaching, care and fun into their lives.  For over seven years I entered their words and experiences into journals which included many conversations about their Uncle Steve.  Their sweet words and questions about him was a huge part of my healing.   From those journals I spent hours on my computer entering all of their precious words and experiences (including photos). Then that special day came last year when I presented each of them with their own Memory Book numbering over 30 pages each.


At the age of two they each received a computer-made card from me with a promise, “Nannie will send you a card every month as I am able until I go to Heaven to be with Jesus”!  Paige is now 29 and Noah is nearing 27.  I have NEVER broken that promise….I also continue to give them a special card  (written by Steve through my heart each Christmas!)  

Their visits are now treasures for us to cherish along with their phone calls and loving texts.  What grandparent doesn’t love to hear these special words,  “I love you so much and I’m forever grateful for all you have done for me in my life.”


God also blessed us with special next door neighbors who entrusted their six month old twins (Addison and Alex) to my care two days a week until they began their pre-school years.  What a challenge and what a delight.  When Zoey was born three years after the twins, I was excited to be recruited again.  And what a joy she was, though very precocious and quite independent.   The twins are entering their Senior year in September and Zoey is now 14.  They quickly became our “adopted grandchildren” and we are blessed to be called Nannie and Papa.  These amazing young people now are available and willing to help us with so many tasks. They are so gifted, energetic, kind and so much fun.  Almost every week I receive a text from Zoey, “Are you home, Nannie?  Can we play some games now?”  She just left a few minutes ago and my heart is so happy!!!

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