October 17, 2024

Celebrating 59 years of marriage and relying daily on the Lord for strength, joy and hope for the days to come! We are ever grateful for how the Lord has walked with us all of these years and continues to be close and the center of our lives each and every day.


Déjà vu… it seems like just yesterday.  Okay, not really …that’s quite an exaggeration, but it doesn't seem possible that as I was reminiscing about when Larry and I were engaged to be married in 1965 that now here we are celebrating 59 years.  I never dreamt we would be married that long!  I thought anyone married 25 years was a  ‘long time’.  I honestly couldn’t imagine a milestone of celebrating 50 years which God granted us. Every morning at our early prayer time I remind Larry what a gift God has given to us:


#1    To wake up

#2   To wake up together!





We do not take that for granted.  We know many reading this would love to wake up again with his or her mate by their side, but instead they wake up with tears, stained pillows, and with memories of the past.

God has been faithful to have walked this journey with us, blessed us with three wonderful children, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. God had blessed us and honored us to have been active in ministry together for nearly 60 years.   A few days ago, our neighbor commented “Gloria, how’s retirement?“ I answered, "I don’t know. I haven't had time to do anything yet!  HA!"   We’re still very busy ministering out of our home.  There are so many hurting people that we minister to through our phones, emails, and text messages as many of our “Forever partners”and friends are facing health crises, death of loved ones, loneliness, prodigal children, financial crises, depression, and fear of the future just to name a few.  We spend our days on the phone counseling, mentoring, and praying with and for dozens of daily prayer requests. We are not on the road anymore, but our home has become a new, very, very busy pulpit.  Our journey and ministry has changed, not retired.

I also have a new ministry – being a caregiver to my sweetheart, Larry, who is dealing with Parkinson’s.  This is definitely a new journey for both of us. We saw it coming about five years ago as his mother was bedridden for 17 years with it and his brother, Lowell, had it along with his uncle.  It is very difficult to watch Larry who has always been so active, energetic and strong struggling with balance , walking and everything that goes with it.  We trust God every day to give us strength. I am now honored to be his caregiver. I am thankful that we are settled here in Nashville where the children are able to help us. They are so good to us. Now my main ministry is taking care of my husband. He’s as sweet as ever, and oh yes,  continues to have a great attitude and of course a plethora of crazy jokes. We do therapy walks at Home Depot or Lowe’s where he can push a high cart.  Everyone knows him and greets him. They act like they’ve been friends forever, and of course, he cannot miss the opportunity to tell a crazy joke or witness  or make them laugh. They always ask him,  “Larry do you have a new joke today?"   Needless to say if he doesn’t have one, he makes one up on the spot. I know that does not surprise you or me. Then when we are leaving, they say,  “Thank you, thank you for making my day and giving us a smile.”  He does the same on his business  phone calls and almost every time they’ll finish a conversation saying, “Mr Larry-thank you for making my day.  Call me every Friday or call me every Monday to brighten my day."  Larry is allowing his pain to become a new pulpit to encourage and touch other lives. His joy is contagious!

I would ask you to pray for him and me for added strength to care and keep up with him.

As Larry and I celebrate our 59 years of marriage,  in our most recent COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE, we decided to share a video of our "40th" wedding anniversary video, which has a lot of history, fun and memories.  For all of you who are our friends and family this will bring back a lot of memories. Hope you enjoy it!



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