Who doesn't love some coffee (or favorite beverage) and some authentic conversation on topics close to our hearts?!  Larry and Gloria share in these times together stories, lessons, challenges and joys in a way that feels like they are sitting right across the table from you with coffee cups in hand.  These are being done LIVE on Facebook but we are able to make them available to you here as well.  The most recent video is near the top of this page.  Enjoy!

Coffee & Connect LIVE December 13, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, December 13, 2023

It's the most wonderful time of the year! As Larry and Gloria look back over the years with two of their children (LaShawn and Donovan), they remember all of the wonderful and maybe not so wonderful Christmas memories. This episode is filled with laughter, warmth and the beautiful bond of family as cherished memories unfold, pictures bring up times relived and practical advice is shared to honor Christ and honor each other this Christmas!

Coffee & Connect LIVE December 6, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, December 6, 2023

This CCLIVE is such a delight as once again, Pastor Jeff Nordin, Creative Arts Pastor at Christ Chapel in Woodbridge, VA, shares his gifting and anointing with us as he produces beautiful sounds of our favorite Christmas carols across the keys of the piano. You will enjoy hearing some of the classics such as Joy to the World, Ode to Joy, Away in the Manger, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, O Holy Night and more. Just put it on, close your eyes and remember the REASON FOR THE SEASON!

Coffee & Connect LIVE November 29, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, November 29, 2023

HOPE is so powerful-anchoring our souls especially in times like now that feel so unsteady. In our time together, Larry and Gloria host special guest, Pastor Darrell Worley, pastor at Christian Life Assembly of God- Picayune, MS. They inquire about wisdom for how to navigate tough and uncertain times. Pastor Worley shares powerful truths that help us to hold onto HOPE IN JESUS CHRIST & WHO HE IS. Sharing from his own life, he reveals how HOPE in Christ and letting Him be God changes everything.

Coffee & Connect LIVE November 15, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, November 15, 2023

We have heard much about destruction, war, terrorists, death and pain. One almost has to brace themselves when listening to the news. There is an enemy who "seeks to steal, kill and destroy." (John 10:10) However, thankfully, what we may see or hear is not the full story! There is an ANSWER & HOPE greater than the enemy..."the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4) Join Larry and Gloria as they remind us that the perfect love of Jesus casts out all fear!

Coffee & Connect LIVE November 1, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, November 1, 2023

In today's CCLIVE, Gloria shares how facing disappointment, hurt, struggle, illness, loss and more doesn't have to sink you, define you or keep you from moving forward. Rather, in ALL THINGS, God is able to work GOOD. She challenges you to use the HARD you experience to bring HOPE and LIFE to others by becoming an encourager---allowing God to bring beauty in and through you! Most encouragement doesn't come from glittery sunshiney days but rather going through and coming out of the valley!

Coffee & Connect LIVE October 18, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Well, there was just so much fun learning about Larry and Gloria and the time went by quickly last time thus we decided to continue with the questions and have a PART 2 Anniversary special. In this episode, we learn some insights on parenting, what they miss about traveling, their favorite things about each other and incredibly heart-touching what lesson they would want to leave with the next generation. Once again, your heart is moved by their sincerity and love for Jesus.

Coffee & Connect LIVE October 11, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, October 11, 2023

In this CCLIVE, Larry and Gloria were on the other side of the tables being interviewed about their 58 years together in marriage & ministry! So many fun and sweet memories shared about crazy dates, "oops" moments and pet peeves, as well as, serious moments about the hard and surprising things they have faced and insight into how they have weathered those storms. You will be captivated as you see clearly their love for one another, but most importantly, for the Lord who has brought them through!

Coffee & Connect LIVE September 23, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Larry and Gloria share about two very pivotal experiences we will all have in life---birth and death. Most people think this will happen once, but they actually share about the physical birth and the spiritual birth, as well as, as the different types of death we experience. The GOOD NEWS is that the second birth REVERSES the first death meaning we LIVE ETERNALLY! We may have inherited death at our physical birth, but we are not destined to eternal death because Jesus made the way for life!

Coffee & Connect LIVE September 13, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, September 13, 2023

With September comes the celebration of Grandparents Day. It's a great time to take a moment to pause and reflect on how our grandparents impacted our lives and thus how we feel the calling and importance of staying involved and connected with our grandchildren and great grandchildren. We only have so much time on this earth so we want to invest it wisely, and we desire to see our loved ones join us in heaven when that day comes! Never underestimate your influence and the power of your prayers!

Coffee & Connect LIVE August 30, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, August 30, 2023

In this time together, Larry and Gloria Lundstrom share about the gift of spiritual sensors in our lives that alert us to the condition of our hearts and relationship with the Lord. Whether it is conviction, awareness or insight, these spiritual sensors are a gift from the Holy Spirit to help us come into right relationship with our Heavenly Father. Sharing from their own experiences, you will hear how we are are "Holy Spirit dependent" to fix things in our hearts that are not right!

Coffee & Connect LIVE August 16, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, August 16, 2023

As Gloria is still recovering from some heart issues, Larry led the way in talking about some of the assumptions that we may have regarding spiritual things. He continued on that once we have proof through the Word of God what assumption is truth, then we have choice to make of who we will serve, and that our observations should lead us to the truth just as the thief observed that truly Jesus was the Messiah. Don't let your assumptions keep you from entering heaven for eternity!

Coffee & Connect LIVE August 2, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"When you give your heart to Jesus...it lasts!" Larry and Gloria have the special opportunity to interview someone who came to the Lord near the beginning of their ministry together, well over 55 years ago. The Lord orchestrated the salvation story of Pastor Sam Coughenour as he had an encounter while playing in a dance band, saw a tent of "holy rollers" and then went to that same tent and gave his life to Christ. Three days later, he was called into ministry and has served since then! Enjoy!

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