It's official-we are now in our home state of South Dakota! What a good feeling...although I wondered for just a moment when we got caught in the path of torrential rains, flash floods and 30-50 mile per hour winds. There were 20 tornadoes that ripped through the state of South Dakota last weekend. I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof! I'm not usually anxious but the wind was swooping-- lifting and shaking our motorcoach like it was cotton candy. This is the first storm we have experienced in nearly 40 years that had me totally unnerved. I think if Larry would have had a tranquilizer gun, he would have given me a big shot!
Just before the high winds set in last Thursday night, we pulled into Wagner, SD, to hold a weekend of services. On Thursday night, May 3rd, we had the privilege of attending the National Day of Prayer meeting at the Wagner church. It was so refreshing to have so many various denominations represented in one sanctuary praying together for our country, leaders, schools, children, city officials, military and churches. Everyone dropped their denominational tags for a few hours and joined in one voice and one spirit to hit the throne room with prayer. To me, this was practicing heaven on earth.
On Friday night, we held a soulwinning service. Saturday morning, Larry spoke at a prayer breakfast. Saturday night, there was a youth rally with special guests. Sunday morning and evening we again held soulwinning rallies. It was thrilling to see many make decisions for Christ.
Pastor Hofer had this to say about the meetings: "What a refreshing time we had with Larry and Gloria. We saw that they have not left their calling in soulwinning. We had to set up chairs for the Sunday morning service with many making choices to follow after the Lord. Many first time commitments were made to the Lord. Larry has not lost his humor which is important in sharing the Gospel to show the Christian life can be full of joy. We were blessed by their servanthood at the youth night on Saturday. We had Angel Dean sing and Chad Moser speak. Larry did the altar call with ten people making commitments for Christ. What a great weekend!"
This was our second trip back to Wagner, South Dakota, to be with Pastor Glen Hofer and his precious wife, Selby. We were there five years ago for an outreach at the armory. One night during that outreach, the owner of Boom's Pizza and Family Restaurant came to Christ. He is a preacher's son who grew up in the church and on the pew. Somehow he had drifted away, but that night he felt the Spirit of God tugging at his heart's door. When Larry gave the invitation, Scott Aldering stepped forward, along with his daughter, and made peace with God.
Last Sunday night, we asked Scott to share his testimony and he joyfully exclaimed, "My wife gave her heart to Christ this morning!" He was beaming from ear to ear. Scott is turned on for Christ and is active in many areas of the church as well as in the Wagner community. It is always a joy to watch converts grow in Christ and then lead others to Christ.
There were so many outstanding Christians at the weekend outreach. Two of them that really caught our attention helped Larry load out our equipment. If anyone was having a bad day or was discouraged, all they would have to do is meet Jason Pearson and Jim Meyer because Christ absolutely pours out of them to all they meet. They were a real inspiration to us and to others.
After our Sunday night service, we packed up and made our way towards Sisseton by way of Brookings, SD, for dental check ups. Larry had three fillings....oooohhhh...his sweet tooth got to him! We then went on to home. We pulled into Sisseton just before sunset. The rays of the sun were golden and everything looked like a picture. We drove up to our house, and we saw that the leaves on the trees had just unfurled. The grass was so green it looked like a carpet, and one tree was exploding with the most beautiful fragrant blossoms. I jumped out of the motorcoach and sighed, " this is what I have been waiting to see." When we left in January, there was blowing snow and arctic cold temperatures, so coming home to sunshine and blossoms was a very sweet welcome. After Larry and I unloaded stuff, stuff and more stuff into the house, we nestled into our favorite chairs for a cup of coffee. Larry looked at me and said, "Do you realize this is our 63rd and 64th summer season that we have been blessed to see?" He continued, "I can hardly believe the years have flown by so quickly. If God continues to bless us and allows us to live until we are 83 and 84, that is only twenty more trips back home." WOW...that hit!
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven; a time to be born and a time to die." The verse, a time to be born and a time to die, is a span of time that I call the dash in life. None of us know the days that God has numbered for us, but we do know that we have a say of what we do with that allotment of time.
Larry and I have chosen to spend 42 seasons, all four seasons of the 42 years, together to travel and win as many people to Christ as we can. If we are faithful to go, He is faithful to draw and save the Lost. We are trying to use our dash in life to enlarge the Kingdom.
Speaking of using the dash effectively in life, my mother, Julie Brooks, 91 ½ years old, has and is using her dash to pray, guide and lead her large family of over 100 in the things of the Lord. She has dedicated a lot of her seasons of life to pray and intercede for her children, their mates, grandchildren and great grandchildren. This weekend, I have the privilege to share a Mother's Day message at my home church to honor my mother and all the other mothers. If you would like to read a special Mother's Day message, click here...
On this coming Sunday, Mother's Day, be sure to take this opportunity to call your mother or better yet, go and see her taking her out for a dinner and drive if you are able. Let her know that she is loved, thought of and appreciated...not just on Mother's Day but every day! Tell her you love her! Those are healing words to mothers. You never know how long you have her so don't miss the opportunity. May God bless you and give you a wonderful week.
On the first day of school, a first grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, "The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents."
A mother appears to be a normal human being. She has all the physical features that all people have-two eyes, two hands, two arms, two feet--all connected to one body. Now, that is what you see if you look at the exterior of a mother.
If you were ever a child, you will know that she has at least three sets of eyes-two in front, two in back, so that she can see all of those things she must see but that are hidden from her, and one on each side of her head so she can protect the cookie jar, no matter where she stands in the kitchen. All are capable of seeing through wood and plaster so she can tell what is going on behind closed doors.
She has bionic ears. She can hear a dirty word whispered a block away. She can hear a complaint that is only thought when unpleasant tasks are assigned to her kids.
With her many arms and hands she can prepare a meal, find Dad's shirt, change a diaper, run the vacuum and spank two kids, all at the same time!
With strong, fast legs, she can move about the house like a speeding bullet. She patrols the streets, stops a fight in the backyard, catches a tennis ball before it is flushed down the toilet, prevents a child from falling out of a tree, and moves all of the toys out of the driveway before Dad comes home-all at the same time.
Her endless supply of energy can only be a God-given attribute. She is first to rise in the morning, has breakfast ready for the "brood" as they get up, gets each child ready for school, is both a barber and a beautician, fashion consultant, chairman, budget director, purchasing agent, paramedic, mechanic, veterinarian, interpreter, travel agent, interior decorator, and is the last to bed at night.
With a tender kiss, she can heal everything from a cut finger to a broken heart. With her kiss, she can convince a balding fifty-year-old man that he is just as handsome as he ever was!
Her ability to love is exceeded only by God's love itself. Her love grows with her children, and it is impossible to tell the success or failure of her children by her love.
There are no depths to which a child can fall that will diminish her love and no heights of success a child can achieve that will increase it. Her love is protective, tender, consistent, understanding, forgiving, unchanging, unselfish, giving, contagious, comfortable, everlasting.
The nearest thing we can see in this world to God's love is a mother's love.
-Rex R. Burns
This is our secretary's daughter...she knows how to have fun!
Caramel Apple Salad
1 pkg instant butterscotch salad
1 cup dry roasted peanuts
3 cups chopped apples (with or without the peal)
8 oz can crushed pineapple with juice
1 cup mini marshmallows
8 oz whipped topping
Mix pineapple with dry pudding mix, then add rest of ingredients. Chill.