It's official-we are now in our home state of South Dakota! What a good feeling...although I wondered for just a moment when we got caught in the path of torrential rains, flash floods and 30-50 mile per hour winds. There were 20 tornadoes that ripped through the state of South Dakota last weekend. I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof! I'm not usually anxious but the wind was swooping-- lifting and shaking our motorcoach like it was cotton candy. This is the first storm we have experienced in nearly 40 years that had me totally unnerved. I think if Larry would have had a tranquilizer gun, he would have given me a big shot!

May 9, 2007 

It's official-weA welcome sight! are now in our home state of South Dakota! What a good feeling...although I wondered for just a moment when we got caught in the path of torrential rains, flash floods and 30-50 mile per hour winds. There were 20 tornadoes that ripped through the state of South Dakota last weekend. I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof! I'm not usually anxious but the wind was swooping-- lifting and shaking our motorcoach like it was cotton candy. This is the first storm we have experienced in nearly 40 years that had me totally unnerved. I think if Larry would have had a tranquilizer gun, he would have given me a big shot!

Just before the high winds set in last Thursday night, we pulled into Wagner, SD, to hold a weekend of services. On Thursday night, May 3rd, we had the privilege of attending the National Day of Prayer meeting at the Wagner church. It was so refreshing to have so many various denominations represented in one sanctuary praying together for our country, leaders, schools, children, city officials, military and churches. Everyone dropped their denominational tags for a few hours and joined in one voice and one spirit to hit the throne room with prayer. To me, this was practicing heavThe altar call at Wagner Community Churchen on earth.

On Friday night, we held a soulwinning service. Saturday morning, Larry spoke at a prayer breakfast. Saturday night, there was a youth rally with special guests. Sunday morning and evening we again held soulwinning rallies. It was thrilling to see many make decisions for Christ.

Pastor Glen & Selby HoferPastor Hofer had this to say about the meetings: "What a refreshing time we had with Larry and Gloria. We saw that they have not left their calling in soulwinning. We had to set up chairs for the Sunday morning service with many making choices to follow after the Lord. Many first time commitments were made to the Lord. Larry has not lost his humor which is important in sharing the Gospel to show the Christian life can be full of joy. We were blessed by their servanthood at the youth night on Saturday. We had Angel Dean sing and Chad Moser speak. Larry did the altar call with ten people making commitments for Christ. What a great weekend!"

This was our second trip back to Wagner, South Dakota, to be with Pastor Glen Hofer and his precious wife, Selby. We were there five years ago for an outreach at the armory. One night during that outreach, the owner of Boom's Pizza and Family Restaurant came to Christ. He is a preacher's son who grew up in the church and on the pew. Somehow he had drifted away, but that Scott Aldering, came to Christ last time we were in Wagner.night he felt the Spirit of God tugging at his heart's door. When Larry gave the invitation, Scott Aldering stepped forward, along with his daughter, and made peace with God.

Last Sunday night, we asked Scott to share his testimony and he joyfully exclaimed, "My wife gave her heart to Christ this morning!" He was beaming from ear to ear. Scott is turned on for Christ and is active in many areas of the church as well as in the Wagner community. It is always a joy to watch converts grow in Christ and then lead others to Christ.

Jason Pearson and Jim Meyer...great men of God that were a great help to us!There were so many outstanding Christians at the weekend outreach. Two of them that really caught our attention helped Larry load out our equipment. If anyone was having a bad day or was discouraged, all they would have to do is meet Jason Pearson and Jim Meyer because Christ absolutely pours out of them to all they meet. They were a real inspiration to us and to others.

After our Sunday night service, we packed up and made our way towards Sisseton by way of Brookings, SD, for dental check ups. Larry had three fillings....oooohhhh...his sweet tooth got to him! We then went on to home. We pulled into Sisseton just before sunset. The rays of the sun were golden and everything looked like a picture. We drove up to our house, and we saw that the leaves on the trees had just unfurled. The grass was so green it looked like a carpet, and one tree was exploding with the most beautiful fragrant blossoms. I jumped out of the motorcoach and sighed, " this is what I have been waiting to see." When we left in January, there was blowing snow and arctic cold temperatures, so coming home to sunshine and blossoms was a very sweet welcome. After Larry and I unloaded stuff, stuff and more stuff into the house, we nestled into our favorite chairs for a cup of coffee. Larry looked at me and said, "Do you realize this is our 63rd and 64th summer season that we have been blessed to see?" He continued, "I can hardly believe the years have flown by so quickly. If God continues to bless us and allows us to live until we are 83 and 84, that is only twenty more trips back home." WOW...that hit!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven; a time to be born and a time to die." The verse, a time to be born and a time to die, is a span of time that I call the dash in life. None of us know the days that God has numbered for us, but we do know that we have a say of what we do with that allotment of time.

Larry and I have chosen to spend 42 seasons, all four seasons of the 42 years, together to travel and win as many people to Christ as we can. If we are faithful to go, He is faithful to draw and save the Lost. We are trying to use our dash in life to enlarge the Kingdom.

Speaking of using the dash effectively in life, my mother, Julie Brooks, 91 ½ years old, has and is using her dash to pray, guide and lead her large family of over 100 in the things of the Lord. She has dedicated a lot of her seasons of life to pray and intercede for her children, their mates, grandchildren and great grandchildren. This weekend, I have the privilege to share a Mother's Day message at my home church to honor my mother and all the other mothers. If you would like to read a special Mother's Day message, click here...

On this coming Sunday, Mother's Day, be sure to take this opportunity to call your mother or better yet, go and see her taking her out for a dinner and drive if you are able. Let her know that she is loved, thought of and appreciated...not just on Mother's Day but every day! Tell her you love her! Those are healing words to mothers. You never know how long you have her so don't miss the opportunity. May God bless you and give you a wonderful week.





On the first day of school, a first grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, "The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents."


A mother appears to be a normal human being. She has all the physical features that all people have-two eyes, two hands, two arms, two feet--all connected to one body. Now, that is what you see if you look at the exterior of a mother.

If you were ever a child, you will know that she has at least three sets of eyes-two in front, two in back, so that she can see all of those things she must see but that are hidden from her, and one on each side of her head so she can protect the cookie jar, no matter where she stands in the kitchen. All are capable of seeing through wood and plaster so she can tell what is going on behind closed doors.

She has bionic ears. She can hear a dirty word whispered a block away. She can hear a complaint that is only thought when unpleasant tasks are assigned to her kids.

With her many arms and hands she can prepare a meal, find Dad's shirt, change a diaper, run the vacuum and spank two kids, all at the same time!

With strong, fast legs, she can move about the house like a speeding bullet. She patrols the streets, stops a fight in the backyard, catches a tennis ball before it is flushed down the toilet, prevents a child from falling out of a tree, and moves all of the toys out of the driveway before Dad comes home-all at the same time.

Her endless supply of energy can only be a God-given attribute. She is first to rise in the morning, has breakfast ready for the "brood" as they get up, gets each child ready for school, is both a barber and a beautician, fashion consultant, chairman, budget director, purchasing agent, paramedic, mechanic, veterinarian, interpreter, travel agent, interior decorator, and is the last to bed at night.

With a tender kiss, she can heal everything from a cut finger to a broken heart. With her kiss, she can convince a balding fifty-year-old man that he is just as handsome as he ever was!

Her ability to love is exceeded only by God's love itself. Her love grows with her children, and it is impossible to tell the success or failure of her children by her love.

There are no depths to which a child can fall that will diminish her love and no heights of success a child can achieve that will increase it. Her love is protective, tender, consistent, understanding, forgiving, unchanging, unselfish, giving, contagious, comfortable, everlasting.

The nearest thing we can see in this world to God's love is a mother's love.

-Rex R. Burns



"All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe to my dear darling mother."

-Abraham Lincoln





This is our secretary's daughter...she knows how to have fun! 




Caramel Apple Salad

1 pkg instant butterscotch salad

1 cup dry roasted peanuts

3 cups chopped apples (with or without the peal)

8 oz can crushed pineapple with juice

1 cup mini marshmallows

8 oz whipped topping

Mix pineapple with dry pudding mix, then add rest of ingredients. Chill.



Did you add too much sugar to your recipe?

Add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to counteract.

Greetings from the road! We are en route from Missouri to Wagner, South Dakota, which is located in the southeastern part of the state. We are getting closer to home! Someone asked me last week why we were gone for so long (referring to this four month tour). I looked at them seriously and quipped, "The older we get, the longer it takes us to find our way home." Our daughter, LaDawn, called a few days ago and exclaimed, "Okay, you two...the snow is gone, the spring flowers are up, the grass is turning green--now get home! You've been gone way too long!" "I's time to come home, " I assured her.

May 2, 2007 

Greetings from the road! We are en route from Missouri to Wagner, South Dakota, which is located in the southeastern part of the state. We are getting closer to home! Someone asked me last week why we were gone for so long (referring to this four month tour). I looked at them seriously and quipped, "The older we get, the longer it takes us to find our way home." Our daughter, LaDawn, called a few days ago and exclaimed, "Okay, you two...the snow is gone, the spring flowers are up, the grass is turning green--now get home! You've been gone way too long!" "I's time to come home, " I assured her.

In the past two weeks, we have driven through different areas of Missouri. Much of the state is coming alive with spring flowers. The rolling hills are peppered with cattle and new baby calves. Larry gets very nostalgic during this time of year. Growing up on the farm as a lad, he loved the calving time in the spring. Several times, he had to pull over and I would watch as he would nestle up to the fence observing the new baby calves bouncing across the field.

Speaking of nostalgic...on our journey, our eyes beheld the sight of an old yellow  1965. Of course, our bus wasn't that new, ours was a 1948 model built in Laudinville, Ohio. Larry, his brother, Lowell, and wife, Connie, found it in California and purchased it for the grand price of $1500. The proper name for is was Flexible. That particular bus was used by the state of California. They woOur very first home!uld take it to disaster scenes and set up office in it. Thinking back to all the experiences we had in that old bus, we definitely paid about $1400 too much for it! HA!

We, the Lundstrom Team, had to live up to the name written on the front-FLEXIBLE! It didn't have air conditioning, nearly no heat, no refrigerator or bathroom. When it rained outside, it also rained inside. When it snowed and the winds blew, the snow filtered in through the emergency door and would create a tidy 3-6 inch snow drift on the foot of our bed. I would have to put our daughter, LaShawn, in her snowsuit when I put her to bed to keep her warm. I cringe every time I think about it! There were four adults and two children living in that blue and white wonder bus. We always wondered if we would make it to the next destination without a major breakdown. That old bucket of bolts broke down almost every trip. Larry had repairs down to a science! He could drop the transmission out and shove it back in within a ½ hour. Why? Because he had to!

As Larry and I walked around that old yellow bus, memories flooded our minds as we reminisced how our lives were way back then! Thank God we survived, and God continued to bless so we could get better means of travel through the years.

I truly believe we don't always appreciate the good things and the good times in life until we experience the bad times. Those days of primitive living on the road taught me to lean heavily on the scriptures in Philippians 4:12-13, (TLB) "I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be on a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want; for I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power." Gloria taking some time to study up for some upcoming meetings.

Oftentimes when I think back to the early days of ministry, I can't help but question myself, "How did I do it?" The answer always resounds, "Whatever God calls you to do, He will equip you to do it." God often puts a veil over our eyes for the future so we live only day by day. God knew that if we could see all the trials and valleys that we would encounter, we would all be in a mental institution. Mentally and emotionally we just could not handle it.

The other great lesson I have learned in life on the road, is to be thankful and grateful at all times. That's not always easy but it works. The scripture says, "In everything give thanks". If you can give God thanks in everything, even though you don't always understand it, you will always have something to give thanks for.

Here we are at the threshold of a new month already. I pray that each day you will give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good!





This is when you know you live in California...

1. You can make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house.

2. The high school quarterback calls a timeout to answer his cell phone.

3. The fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway.

4. You know how to eat an artichoke.

5. You drive to your neighborhood block party.

6. Someone asks you how far away something is, and you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.



"It is good to remember that the teakettle, although it is up to its neck in hot water, continues to sing."






A Missouri Mud Bath!





A wonderful spring dessert!

Spring Sherbet Dessert

Mix ½ cup butter and 1 cup flour in the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Pat down and bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool.

Top with:

8 oz cream cheese

1 cup powdered sugar

1 cup whipped topping

1/4 cup coconut or 1/4 cup chopped nuts, optional

Top that with softened rainbow sherbet (½ gallon). Then, top with one 9 ounce carton whipped topping. Freeze. Remove from freezer 20 minutes before serving.



Store onions in the refrigerator. You will find that the cold onions will

keep you from crying.



Greetings from the road! It seems like I just wrote the "On The Road" update for last week and it's already time to write another. We had another action-packed week. We were in the Nashville, TN, area for a few days and then began our trek from Nashville through St. Louis, Missouri, and up to Carthage, Missouri, for weekend ministry. It was our first opportunity to minister at Carthage First Assembly of God with Pastor Larry and Donna Graham and prayerfully it won't be the last time. They are such sweet spirited pastors.

Right after we met at the church, Pastor Graham informed us that he remembered us from ministering at Central Assembly in Springfield, MO, in 1972 at a youth rally. He said, "I still remember Larry playing the big, upright bass.

April 25, 2007 

Greetings from the road! It seems like I just wrote the "On The Road" update for last week and it's already time to write another. We had another action-packed week. We were in the Nashville, TN, area for a few days and then began our trek from Nashville through St. Louis, Missouri, and up to Carthage, Missouri, for weekend ministry. It was our first opportunity to minister at Carthage First Assembly of God with Pastor Larry and Donna Graham and prayerfully it won't be the last time. They are such sweet spirited pastors.

Pastor Larry & Donna GrahamRight after we met at the church, Pastor Graham informed us that he remembered us from ministering at Central Assembly in Springfield, MO, in 1972 at a youth rally. He said, "I still remember Larry playing the big, upright bass. Wow, that was a long time ago." Pastor Larry smiled and gently said, "I was just a young man at the time and you were still with Lowell and Connie Lundstrom ministering together as two couples. You left a great impact on my life."

One of the greatest thrills for Larry and I is to see the children and teens who attended our rallies years ago now pastoring churches. What a great reward! You and I will never know how many lives we will impact in our lAltar call at First Assembly of God in Carthage, MOifetime.

We had a precious Sunday morning service at First Assembly. Several prodigals found their way back home to Jesus. Those tears of repentance and joy give us mileage to keep pushing on.

Pastor Graham shared the following: "It was a joy to once again hear the Lundstroms share their testimony and sing. I first heard them 30 years ago in a youth convention in Springfield, MO. They continue to have the same zeal and passion for the Lost. It was wonderful to share fellowship with this awesome couple."Gloria with our board member, Carolyn Johnson.  What a surprise!

We were honored to have several friends that we have known in the past attend the morning worship service.  What a surprise and joy to look out over the congregation on Larry with Chad Jones...a friend from up North!Sunday morning and see Carolyn Johnson, one of the board members of Larry Lundstrom Ministries sitting out there.


Chad Jones, formally of the Minneapolis area said, "It was great to be in your service and see folks from "back home".


One special couple is our friends, Jerry and Helen McClure, from Carthage, MO. They worked with the Lundstrom Ministries years ago.

Jerry & Helen McClure--special friendsThey shared the following comments with us: "We thoroughly enjoyed your ministry at First Assembly in Carthage, MO. Your passion for souls was evident through your uplifting music, ministry and altar service. Your smiles, love for the Lord, and for each other have remained genuine throughout the years. We left the service feeling revived and with a stronger desire to always have a happy spirit and a passion for souls."

Jerry and Helen have a special place in our hearts as they were there for us when we were going through a dark valley in our lives. In 1979, Larry was diagnosed with a rare pinborg tumor in the right side of his mouth along the gum line. I'll never forget the horror that hit me when Dr. Waite of the University of Minnesota Hospital invited me into his office and announced, "Gloria, this is a rare cancerous tumor. We are going to do our best to remove it, but I can't promise you any good news. We'll have to remove some gum line and jaw bone more than likely. We will have to use bone from the hip to rebuild it." He added, "There is a good chance your husband won't be able to speak plain or sing again. He will probably drool the rest of his life."

Those words pierced my heart and sent fear racing through my body. At the time, our daughters were 12 and 8 and our son was 2 years old. The fear of the unknown almost crippled me. Reality hit me---if Larry couldn't sing or speak more than likely his ministry would be down the drain. What would we do? Where would we go? How would we make it financially? All these questions and more crowded my mind. In the midst of making preparations for surgery, Pastor Jerry and Helen McClure quickly offered to take our children to their home in the Minneapolis, MN, area while Larry underwent surgery in order that we could all be close to him. We are forever grateful for their kindness. Oh yes...just before Larry's cancer surgery the doctor added, "This tumor is not far from the brain so we could lose him!" What an encouraging statement to this already stressed out, fear-filled wife. Was I going to become a widow with three small children? Only moments in the operating room would tell...

Space and time doesn't permit me to tell the whole story. So as Paul Harvey would say, "And now the rest of the story..." Email me and I will send you a copy of Larry's cancer testimony entitled, Rendezvous with Victory. You'll cry, you'll laugh and you will rejoice with us through this thrilling story. Read it and share it with a friend who needs encouragement.

Reflecting back to that time in our lives the following scriptures were my refuge.

Isaiah 41:10, "Fear though not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

And also Isaiah 43:2-3, "For I am the Lord thy God.....For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel, thy Savior."

I literally inhaled and exhaled those verses to keep me going. If you are facing a valley or trial in your life, hold onto those verses. Also please request Larry's testimony, Rendezvous with Victory; it will lift you up.

May the Lord bless and keep you. Have a great week!



For a gift of $5.00 to this ministry we'd like to send you a copy of the testimony of Larry's miraculous healing of a cancerous pinborg tumor in his jaw, Rendezvous With Victory.



After a church service on Sunday morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, "Mom, I decided to become a minister when I grow up."

"That's okay with us, but what made you decide that?"

"Well," said the little boy, "I have to go to church on Sunday anyway, and I figured it would be more fun to stand up and yell, than to sit and listen."



"True faith goes into operation when there are no answers."

-Elizabeth Elliot





Tractors of the past! 





Here's a Missouri specialty!


Broccoli Corn Bread

2 sticks butter

1 tsp dried or fresh onion (optional)

2-81/2 oz boxes corn muffin mix

4 eggs

1 cup cottage cheese

1-10 box frozen chopped broccoli

Melt butter in 9 x 13 inch pan. Mix all ingredients together. Spoon mixture into pan with melted butter. Bake according to instructions on corn muffin box. May need to bake a little longer.



A cure for headache!


Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will go away.

Greetings from Nashville, TN, or otherwise known as Music City USA!

It is finally a beautiful day-like it should be this time of year in Tennessee. The Nor'easter has finally pushed off the East Coast leaving remnants of winter's (hopefully) last blast!

As I sit here looking out the window, I see a robin gleefully bouncing around picking twigs and blades of grass-- I imagine to build her nest. I am sure the robin is thankful for all this rain we've had as it makes it easier for her to pull those worms out of the ground. It is so fun to watch them at work. The birds are singing and as I said before, it is just a beautiful day.

 April 18, 2007

Greetings from Nashville, TN, or otherwise known as Music City USA!

It is finally a beautiful day-like it should be this time of year in Tennessee. The Nor'easter has finally pushed off the East Coast leaving remnants of winter's (hopefully) last blast!

As I sit here looking out the window, I see a robin gleefully bouncing around picking twigs and blades of grass-- I imagine to build her nest. I am sure the robin is thankful for all this rain we've had as it makes it easier for her to pull those worms out of the ground. It is so fun to watch them at work. The birds are singing and as I said before, it is just a beautiful day.

On the other hand, our hearts go out to the 33 families in Virginia Tech whose loved ones were murdered just to satisfy one young man's anger and revenge. Life's plan is that when a mother gives birth to her newborn cradling and coddling him or her in her arms, she plans and delights to see him or her grow up, attend college, get married and have children. That's the plan! To have her child's life cut short by this young man who couldn't deal with his sad and senseless a tragedy. The Bible talks about perilous times in 2 Timothy 4. My interpretation for that word would be "dangerous" times. All one must do is watch the news or read the newspapers that are filled with mayhem, tragedies, and senseless killings. To me, they definitely describe perilous times. We need to continue to pray for all of the families who lost their loves ones, as well as, for those who were injured. There will definitely be much healing to go through.

Now, on to happier news...last week we traveled from Mississippi, through Bill SimmonsAlabama and onto Nashville, Tennessee. En route, we stopped in Birmingham, AL, to see our friends, Bill and Joyce Simmons, former employees of Lundstrom Ministries. It was fun seeing them again. Years ago, Bill and Joyce, and their three sons lived with us in our old bus along with Larry and I and our three children for several years. Imagine...Joyce Simmonstwo families which consisted of two couples and six children living in a 40 foot long, 8 foot wide bus. In the natural, that is not easy, but we were best friends. Bill is now working with a large church in Birmingham, AL, and Joyce is a conference speaker. Each month, you can see Joyce's financial article on page 4 of our newsletter and under the Family Matters-Financial Words to the Wise-section of our website. Even though, we hadn't seen them for over 2 ½ years, as soon as we connected, it was as if we were never apart. We just picked up from where we had left off and went on from there. That is what true friendship is about!

Visiting with our kids while in Nashville...what a treat!We then proceeded up to Nashville. Two of our LaShawn and Gloria sharing some time in the kitchen!children, LaShawn and Donovan, make their residence in Nashville but are away most of the time traveling due to their jobs. It just so happened that they were both home this week. Were we ever thrilled! I had sent them Easter cards and told them if they were going to be home when we came through Nashville, I would fix them a Mother and Son, Gloria and Donovan---we cherish every moment with our children!belated Easter dinner. They quickly responded they would be home and requested a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings. I spent all Monday preparing the meal and goodies. What fun! We laughed, told stories on each other, and of course, they always have stories they tell on Mom and Dad. We laughed until our sides hurt. There is just nothing like family! I sure miss my children when we are gone. Next month we will be able to see LaDawn and the grandkids...we are looking forward to that.

I want to thank each one of you who have e-mailed and have written to us telling us how you have enjoyed the website. We appreciate the hundreds of you who join with us weekly following us "on the road".

We wanted to leave you with a comment from New Orleans where we ministered on Easter Sunday:Linda Gaffney from First Assembly of God in Metairie, LA

"When the Lundstrom bus pulls up, it is as though an extraordinary supply of love is entering the premises. Larry and Gloria are 'family' to us...they have proven themselves to be loyal and faithful to our church and we love them beyond measure. Their ministry brings the presence of the Spirit in abundant measure and blessed all of those present with a message that bids, 'Come, today is the day you will receive salvation, healing, emotional stability or whatever you desire of the Lord."

Linda Gaffney

Secretary at First Assembly of God of Great New Orleans

Metairie, LA

Today, we are driving towards Carthage, Missouri, for a service this weekend. We appreciate your prayers as we travel and also request prayers for sustained health. We will talk to you next week!




The Assistant Pastor was filling in for the Children Church leader one Sunday in autumn. To get the children's attention, he began with a riddle, "What climbs trees, collects nuts for winter, and has a bushy tail?"

In the front row a hand shot up. "I know the answer is supposed to be Jesus," the youngster said, "But it sounds more like a squirrel to me."



"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself.

It's what you do for others."

-Danny Thomas





How about this bike...wouldn't you be interested in meeting or seeing the owner?





Tell Your Neighbor Cake

1 package cake mix

1 cup milk

2 eggs

1 package INSTANT pudding mix

1 cup water


Mix and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.



3/4 cup sugar

1 cup milk

4 Tbsp flour


Mix the above and cook until thick. Then add ½ cup butter or margarine and 1 tsp vanilla. Beat well and put on cake.


The following are some good combinations....

White cake mix with lemon, coconut or chocolate pudding.

Yellow cake mix with pineapple, lemon or butterscotch pudding.

Devil's food case mix with coconut cream, chocolate or vanilla pudding.

Use your own imagination to make a unique creation!


How to Remove Melted Wax

Candlelight is romantic but there's nothing lovely about prying or scraping melted votives out of their holders. Instead, place the glass holders in the freezer for a few hours; the wax should shrink just enough to pop out.

What a wonderful Easter weekend! We ministered at First Assembly of God in New Orleans, LA, with Pastor and Mrs. Dan Flanagan and staff. We actually drove in a few days early so we could view some of Katrina's aftermath. The only word I can say to describe it is "unbelievable"! It looks like a bomb exploded leaving behind miles and miles of wreckage, rubbish and total abandonment. It actually leaves you speechless with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. There are many people still missing among the rubble. It is interesting that after a year and a half, it looks like the devastation just occurred. One ironic fact is there are places nearby that were missed by the hurricane and are functioning with life as usual while other areas continue to be at a complete standstill.

April 4, 2007 


What a wonderful Easter weekend! We ministered at First Assembly of God in New Orleans, LA, with Pastor and Mrs. Dan Flanagan and staff. We actually drove in a few days early so we could view some of Katrina's aftermath. The only word I can say to describe it is "unbelievable"! It looks like a bomb exploded leaving behind miles and miles of wreckage, rubbish and total abandonment. It actually leaves you speechless with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. There are many people still missing among the rubble. It is interesting that after a year and a half, it looks like the devastation just occurred. One ironic fact is there are places nearby that were missed by the hurricane and are functioning with life as usual while other areas continue to be at a complete standstill.

When we arrived, we were relieved to see that First Assembly of God received minor damage. Many churches had completely disappeared leaving just slabs of cement to remind you something once existed there.

We heard many thrilling testimonies of those who survived and whose homes were spared...miracle story after miracle story. But, after looking at all the unimaginable destruction and loss, I was tempted to ask, "Why, God?" I tried to dismiss that question in a hurry. We will probably never know the why unless God chooses to reveal it to us when we get home...but then, again, when we get to heaven, the past will be erased and it simply won't matter. We will sit and bask in His presence.

Anyway, it was a delight to be back with Pastor Flanagan. He is truly a giant in the faith and a great mentor to Larry and I. We just sit and hang on to every tidbit that he shares with us about spiritual things. Pastor Flanagan took us out to eat Saturday night to a local seafood restaurant along the water. On the way to the restaurant, Pastor said, "Do you want a fancy restaurant with six shrimp or do you want a local little restaurant along the water with a stacked platter of fresh shrimp? Of course, you know what we chose. It was so delicious, and I could only eat about half of my meal; naturally, Larry had no problem at all eating all of his. In fact, he's never had any problem finishing all of his food. Right after Larry and I were married, his mother took me aside and giggled, "That boy can really eat!" She continued, "I think he has a bottomless stomach." She went on to recall one time they were invited out to a friends house to eat when he was small (hard to believe he was ever small). She had to feed him a plate of food before they left their house so she wouldn't be embarrassed by how much he would consume. Well, nearly 60 years later, he is still consuming everything in sight. HA!

We had a precious Easter Sunday service. It was truly like coming home to First Assembly as we have been there several times throughout the years. In fact, two years ago, right after Larry broke my leg...we held a service there. The church had bought me a tall stool to sit on so I could sing and speak from the soundboard. That was the only service I did in the first three months after my accident. It was so great to be back with our New Orleans family again.

Altar call at First Assembly of God in Metairie, LALarry preached the Easter story focusing on the fact that the cross became our rescue. The altar call was given and as you can see by the photo, lives were touched. There were first time commitments as well as many prodigals returning home to Jesus. What a great Easter!

When Pastor Flanagan introduced us, he said, "What I like about Larry and Gloria coming to First Assembly, along with a lot of other things, is that they don't come to entertain, they come to see people get saved." He also shared the following:Pastor Dan & Paulette Flanagan

"Larry and Gloria have not only become comrads in ministry but personal friends as well. Their concern for the people here at First Assembly has blessed me tremendously. During the recent trauma of Hurricane Katrina, they made several phone calls and displayed much compassion for the rebuilding effort of our church family. As a pastor, it is assuring to know that I can stand behind every word that comes forth during their ministry."

While in New Orleans, we had another special treat. LaShawn and her fiancé, Liam, flew in to see us for a couple of days. One day they were walking through LaShawn and her fiance', Liamthe historical French Quarter located off of Canal Street. They called and asked if we could walk down to meet them. Of course, we quickly obliged. They led us into a jewelry store where Liam had just purchased LaShawn's engagement ring. They wanted us to share that special moment. What a joy! Her ring is absolutely beautiful but the love they have for each other is even more precious! Now, we are waiting for a wedding date to be set. Don't I sound like an impatient mother! I keep reminding them, "I have my date book right here in my hand." LaShawn just laughs and politely says, "Mother...when we set the date, you and Dad will be the first ones to know." They say that to try and settle me down. It works-slightly.

We will be leaving Katrina Country today heading towards Nashville, TN. Needless to say, as we have spent the last few weeks in this area observing what the hurricane did, only enforces the fact that life is fragile and it can change in a split second. You can lose all you have, including the very breath in your lungs in one heartbeat. Thousands of people worked their entire lives to obtain their beautiful homes, possessions, vehicles, etc. Many were blessed to escape but only with the clothes on their back, while the less fortunate lost everything, including their lives. It reminds us that we need to live each moment to the fullest, live each second as if it was your last, and most of all, have the assurance that everything is alright between you and God. As you know, once your heart's eternity. There won't be a second chance to change your mind. Your destiny will be in motion.

Today, be sure that you know that if you die you will go to heaven. If not, pray right now and ask God to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life. John 3:36 says, "He that believeth on the Son hath life." If you believe and have prayed to ask for forgiveness, your sins are gone giving you life for eternity with Jesus. Praise the Lord!

Have a great week! God bless!





Mother decided that ten- year-old Kathy should get something practical for her birthday.

"Suppose we open a savings account for you?" Mother suggested. Kathy was delighted.

"It's your account, darling," Mother said as they arrived at the bank, "So you fill out the application."

Kathy was doing fine until she came to the space "Name of your former bank." After a slight hesitation, she put down, "Piggy".



"When I die, I then shall have the greatest grief and my greatest joy---my greatest grief that I have done so little for Jesus, and my greatest joy that Jesus has done so much for me."

-William Grimshaw




Baby Elliot


Congratulations to our secretary, Tricia, and her husband, Steven, on the birth of their son, Elliot Gordon.  He was born on April 6th, weighing 7 lbs 9 oz, 20  3/4 inches long, strong and healthy!  Children are such a blessing and we wish them the very best as they raise this little one!





Red Beans and Rice- A Cajun staple!

  1 lb (2 cups) dried pinto beans
4 cups uncooked rice (Medium or Long Brown)
1 1/2 cups finely chopped celery
1 1/2 cups finely chopped onions
1 1/2 cups finely chopped green pepper
5 bay leaves
1 teaspoon white pepper
3/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon tabasco sauce, optional (according to taste)
2 teaspoons thyme
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 1/2 teaspoons oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
6 oz tomato paste


Cooking Instructions: Cover beans with water and soak overnight. Drain and rinse before cooking. Combine beans with 5 cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 45 minutes to 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add another 4 cups water and add celery, onion, bell pepper, bay leaves, and remaining ingredients. Cook until beans are tender and begin breaking up. Cook rice.


Serving Suggestions:Mound 3/4 cup rice on plate and spoon generous serving of beans over the rice.



Spring Cleaning.. How to make your mirrors sparkle

Commercial window cleaner evaporates quickly, making it better for mirrors than homemade solutions. Never spray that mirror itself with the cleaner; instead, spray a clean lintless cloth, wipe down the mirror. To avoid streaks, dry immediately with another clean lintless cloth-an old t-shirt will do.


Greetings from New Orleans, LA! We were here 2 years ago and oh wouldn't recognize it since Hurricane Katrina. I'll share more about it next week, along with some photos. Since last week we drove from Fort Myers, FL up to Georgia and on to Mississippi...and then back to New Orleans. I can definitely feel all those miles on my body today. I told Larry that I'm declaring a day of rest tomorrow to unwind. We really haven't had a free day since the second week of January. I will call it the "National Norwegian Holiday"- HA!

April 4, 2007 


Greetings from New Orleans, LA! We were here 2 years ago and oh wouldn't recognize it since Hurricane Katrina. I'll share more about it next week, along with some photos. Since last week we drove from Fort Myers, FL up to Georgia and on to Mississippi...and then back to New Orleans. I can definitely feel all those miles on my body today. I told Larry that I'm declaring a day of rest tomorrow to unwind. We really haven't had a free day since the second week of January. I will call it the "National Norwegian Holiday"- HA! Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." I need to be still long enough to catch my breath so I can feel the presence of God and hear His voice above the clatter of this busy life.

I didn't have time last week to tell you about our rally in Thomasville, GA. Long time friends of Larry's, since before he got married, pastor New Heights Pastor Bob SmithAssembly of God in Thomasville...Pastor Bob and Mona SmithMona Smith. We knew when we scheduled this service that it would be hard as we are not known in that area. It's hard enough to get people to come out when you are known; and with all the things going on in everybody's lives it makes it even more of a challenge for attendance. Of course, God always brings them in! Larry encouraged Pastor Bob and Mona Smith to take a risk and schedule a service at the Holiday Inn conference room. We pulled into Thomasville on Thursday, set up our equipment in the conference room and prayed, "Lord you have to bring them in from somewhere." We knew it was going to be a small crowd, but intently prayed that souls would be saved that night. About 60-75 Altar call at New Heights A/G in Thomasville, GApeople turned out and each one came with an open and hungry heart. We had a wonderful time with the people. When Larry gave the altar call, about 1/3 of them responded to pray the sinner's prayer. Most of them were first time commitments. After the service was over Larry was visiting with a couple in the hallway and a precious little girl, Renee, approached me and in her darling accent said, "I couldn't find pastor Larry", then tears filled her eyes and she continued, "tell him thank you for saving my daddy." Her tears turned into smiles and she said, "I've been praying for daddy for 2 ½ years." I almost crumbled in tears and joy. I cuddledlittle Renee her up to me in a hug and said, "Let's go find Larry so you can tell him for yourself." When we reached Larry, she looked up at that 6 foot 3 inch frame with a smile on her face I'll never forget and again explained, "Thank you for saving my daddy...". I'm always amazed at God's timing. Renee and her parents were visiting from Hartford and are planning on moving to Thomasville to begin a business. God knew all along their schedule and our schedule, but most of all God had His divine Renee's familytiming for her daddy to receive Christ. Isn't that just like the Lord? Thank you pastor Bob and Mona for taking a risk to bring us into that conference room. Many came to Christ because you cared enough to go the extra mile. After the service pastor Bob and Mona invited us over to their home for a delicious taco feed- mmm...yummy!


That same night in Thomasville, long time friends Fred and Ada Knauf from Escanaba, MI were there. They called us from Michigan and told us they saw we were going to be in Georgia on that Thursday night and that they were leaving on vacation and wanted to take in our service that night. Back in 1973, the Lowell Lundstrom Ministry team was holding a city-wide crusade in Fred and Ada KnaufEscanaba, MI. Fred and Ada love country music and heard there was going to be a "concert" at the school. They said, "We came for a country music concert, but we left with much more. We loved the groups' gospel country music, and when Lowell preached a simple message we felt God tugging at our hearts. We worked very hard at being good people, but we realized that night that being good doesn't get you into's not through our good's only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, and rose from the dead that we might live forever." John 14:6 says, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." Since that night in 1973, Fred and Ada's lives and marriage have totally changed. Some 34 years later they still look fantastic and just bubble with the love of God. By the way, Ada helped take care of our daughters, who were 2 and 6 years old during the time of these services. It was such a blessing to us.

Last Friday morning, we were packing our coach and getting ready to leave Escatawpa, MS and head to New Orleans, LA. It was a hot, humid day and wouldn't you know the freon went out of our air conditioner. Of course, no A/C in a bus would make you feel like you're in a sardine can. Larry called around the small community and found Jimmy who had some freon we could buy to put in...the only snag was that Larry had to be over there within 30-45 minutes as Jimmy was leaving town. Larry hustled and got the bus going, unplugged the electrical hook-up, went to the back of the bus to make sure everything was okay, walked back up to me and groaned, "We've got a flat tire on the back dual." I said, "You're kidding." I walked back, and sure enough, he was not kidding. It was flat as a pancake. Now he was in a time squeeze. We had to get across town to get air in the tire before he could get freon in the A/C... the clock is ticking! He got the coach to the nearest gas station, quickly aired the tire up and scurried over to Jimmy's just in time to get the freon. He rushed back to the station to have the tire checked again, and they told us, "You just need to drive it a ways, about 30 miles, check the air pressure in the tires, then we will know how good or bad it is." Yeh, yeh, yeh, like we want to be on the busy interstate on a Friday afternoon testing out the tires. We drove about 30 miles, stopped and checked the tire, which appeared to be okay. We got about another 10 miles down the road and all of a sudden I said, "Larry, I forgot an important piece of equipment we need for our church service in New Orleans." He looks at me like, "You're kidding right?" I groaned, "No." He prides himself on the fact that I am so efficient in covering the details with packing. He looked at me with that "please tell me your kidding" look. Again I moaned, "No, I'm so sorry, I had so many last minute details...I left it where I wouldn't forget it." Somehow that confession didn't help soften the blow. By the way, we were trying to beat a huge, severe thunderstorm moving in from Texas that had already dumped 6 inches of rain in that state. Now that storm was nipping at our heels a few miles back. The fun and games began! We pulled off an exit ramp in the middle of nowhereville in MS, and see a cement slab and gas pumps that had been leveled by Katrina. We pulled in to park thinking, "This is perfect, we're in no one's way. We'll quickly unhitch the Suburban from the coach, drive back the 38 miles one-way (ugh!) and get that essential piece of equipment I left behind." We hoped we could still stay ahead of the impending storm. Larry ran over and talked to a man from a FEMA building next door to make sure it was okay to park there. The man said, "Oh no, the owner of that slab is a grumpy old man and anytime anyone parks there he calls a tow truck and has it hauled off." Ya, I know that's utterly ridiculous, but with everything else seemingly going wrong that day, we didn't need to come back and find our coach gone. We found another place nearby, unhitched, made the 80 mile round trip with me feeling horrible and repeating that I was sorry. Larry with his calm and positive demeanor said, "Honey, it's not a tragedy, just an inconvenience." Then he added, "Who knows why all this happened? Maybe God spared us from an accident or something else. It's okay; let's go." Thank God for an understanding husband. We finally pulled into New Orleans about 10:30 pm, rather than the planned 2:00 pm. While Larry was unloading the equipment from the Suburban to the coach the storm hit. A wall of rain soaked him. I had a hard time keeping from laughing as it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. We finally got settled in to go to bed about 2:00 am.

Anyway...and how was your day? Ha! In all of the above, we just kept thanking the Lord that all of this was just a minor inconvenience. The Bible says in Psalm 91, "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." Aren't you thankful for the faithfulness of God? In this Easter week, we pray that you will feel the presence of the Living Christ. Why not invite someone who doesn't know Christ to go to church with you on Easter Sunday? This could be their moment of salvation. Happy Easter!




You live in the Midwest when...

1. You've never met any celebrities, but the mayor knows your name.

2. You're idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a tractor.

3. You have had to switch from heat to A/C on the same day.

I know because that's where I'm from!



"You had better make up your mind to accept what you cannot alter. You can live a beautiful life in the midst of your present circumstances."

- J.R. Miller




Our vehicle getting towed to go and see the "doctor"


Wow, what a week! The fuel pump went out on the car.

We took it to the car doctor and the bill was $656- ouch!





Apple, Carrot & Raisin Salad- Here's a recipe to accent your Easter dinner.


2 cups shredded carrots              1/4 cup apple juice, concentrate

1 apple, peeled and shredded     1 tsp. Lemon juice

2 apples, unpeeled and diced      3/4 cup raisins

1/4 cup mayonnaise                    1 Tbsp. honey

Mix ingredients all together. Cover and chill well until serving. Stir well before serving.




What is the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh?



What a whirlwind week it has been! The weekend of March 18th we ministered in Picayune, MS. Then we drove our coach and towed our 10,000 pound suburban heading for Thomasville, GA where we were scheduled for a service on Thursday night. We were only a few miles down the road when we heard a "clunk" and it felt like we hit a wall.

March 28, 2007 


What a whirlwind week it has been! The weekend of March 18th we ministered in Picayune, MS. Then we drove our coach and towed our 10,000 pound suburban heading for Thomasville, GA where we were scheduled for a service on Thursday night. We were only a few miles down the road when we heard a "clunk" and it felt like we hit a wall. Thank the Lord there was a place to pull off, which is not always the case in this country. We had just crossed over a long bridge and were thankful that it didn't happen while we were crossing that. husband, preacher, provider, and mechanic...hastily exited the coach and ran back to see what had happened. The cross pin that holds the hitch into the receiver of the coach either broke off or fell out. That is very easy to understand as everything and every road in Katrina country is under construction. It may have broken off due to all the bumps in the road. Larry slid under the back-end of the rig and worked furiously for about an hour trying to repair it. What he didn't know was that he wasn't under there alone. Larry was lying on a hill of fire ants! He was so intent in his repairs that he was oblivious to them crawling on him.

He finally got the hitch repaired, slid out from under the coach, washed his hands and started driving again. Soon he started to scratch and scratch. In a few moments both arms were covered with welts...then sores. Then he scratched. Then they bled. Poor Larry! It has been 9 days since it happened and it still looks like he has a severe case of chicken pox. Since the weather is so hot here it only makes sense that he is wearing short-sleeved shirts. When we pulled into Thomasville, GA Pastor Bob Smith's wife, Mona met us at Applebee's for lunch. She looked across the table at Larry and his arms. Her pupils were as big as silver dollars as she squealed, "Larry, what is that?!" I quickly assured her that is wasn't chicken pox and that it wasn't contagious. After I told her about the fire ants she said in her southern accent, "Fire ants are awful. They crawl on you and then they all bite you at the same time." I guess so! The funny thing about this is that waitresses, strangers and people in the restaurants definitely kept a safe distance from him. Now I know how to get some private, uninterrupted Larry in a fire ant pile! HA! Sorry...I know that's really not is!

That Thursday night we ministered in Thomasville, GA at the Holiday Inn. I'll tell you more about that exciting rally next week. From Thomasville, GA we packed up our sound system and everything we needed into our suburban and headed off for Miami, FL. It was nearly an 800 mile run. Needless to say, that trip required several coffee stops...and restroom stops. Sunday we ministered at both of the morning services and also the evening service at Central Bible Church in Miami. What a wonderful group of people, pastors and staff! The Pastor Bill Thornton and his wife CeceliaSenior Pastor, David Stocker was away at his son's college graduation into the ministry. The pastoral care pastor and his wife, Bill and Cecilia Thornton graciously hosted us for the weekend. What a precious couple. Their enthusiasm and dedication for Jesus shines forth. Last August, Larry and I had the opportunity to visit Central Bible Church and were so blessed by the worship and were fed the word so richly by Pastor David Stocker. After the good service that morning Larry and I commented, "I'd love to go back there and minister someday." We felt an instant bond with the pastor and church. Well, long story short...Pastor Stocker called us a few months ago and invited us to minister there last Sunday.

The worship time was beautiful and God moved in such a sweet way on lives and dozens responded to the altar call.  Associate pastor Thornton stated, "This Altar call at Central Bible Church in Miami, FLwas the first time Larry and Gloria Lundstrom ministered at our church, and I must say they have an excellent ministry. Their music and songs are anointed by His Holy Spirit. Larry's preaching is anointed by His Holy Spirit, and his message is all about Salvation. We had several people saved and many rededicated their lives to our Lord. God has blessed them with many testimonies during their life. It was a pleasure as well as a blessing to have them at our church. And the people loved Larry's wit and humor. We continue praying for their ministry."  His wife, Cecelia also shared,Counseling director Martin Pino "We were able to visit with Larry and Gloria after the services and found them to be as warm and dedicated as they were on the platform. Their ministry was a blessing to us. Larry and Gloria don't seem to meet any strangers outside the church, they were a blessing even as we enjoyed lunch together."  They were such a blessing to Larry and I too.  Another blessing was a man named Martin Pino, who headed up the counseling. What an energetic and enthusiastic worker for God!  He commented, "It was awesome seeing how powerful the Lord moved through Larry and Gloria's ministry. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of the counseling team. Most of all I thank God for the A couple that we were able to minister tomany that got saved, restored and encouraged through their ministry. Thank you, Larry and Gloria. Please come back and minister to us again."  We loved seeing couples and families making decisions for Christ. This was just one of the couples who made a commitment to follow Christ.  I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to pray with many hurting people. 



Jeff doing group counselingAnother brother in Christ we got to meet was Jeff Jennings.  He is the Student Ministries pastor and was doing group counseling in the counseling room.  All in all it was an awesome weekend of ministry and we are anxious to go back to Miami to minister with Pastor David and Mrs. Stocker.



We left Miami last Monday afternoon and drove through the Florida Everglades. I wish we would have had time to take a ride in one of those wind boats that glide through the Everglades. We've always wanted to do that...maybe next time...if we waited 42 years to do it, I guess we can wait another 2 years when we come back to Florida. We drove about 100 miles alongside the Florida canal. It's about 20-25 feet wide with a high fence on either side of it. We saw a couple of people fishing from small boats. I told Larry it would be fun to have a lazy day and paddle down the canal...until I saw an alligator...then, more alligators, small, medium and extra large sun-bathing on the banks. When we saw the countless numbers of them in the water and on the banks it didn't take me long to change my mind about a leisure boat ride in the canal. Those alligators would probably see this big, blonde Norwegian and the "even bigger Swede" in the boat and decide we'd be a big delicious thanks! I know I could walk pretty fast, as I can't run due to my foot injury, but not fast enough to escape the alligators and I certainly couldn't jump a 15 foot fence, (in fact, I couldn't jump a 3 foot fence) so much for that idea!

I was reliving the above story and was readily reminded how the devil entices us with something or some things that sound so tempting or inviting. Unfortunately, often behind the temptation is the unseen and unknown that pull us into spiritual complacency, addictions to alcohol, drugs, adultery, gambling, excessive spending, etc...and like those alligators, seemingly resting in the sun, looking so docile and harmless, the devil will be waiting for us to give into temptation and will come after us as his prey to consume us. But I love what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." (NIV) God promises that whatever temptation comes our way, if we will call on the Lord, He is able to deliver us or to help us bear it. Isn't God good! Well it's time to run. Until next time, have a great week!




The Sunday School lesson was about Elijah and the prophets of Baal. The teacher told her class how Elijah built an altar, put wood on it, dug a trench around it, placed a cut up bull on the altar, and dredged it with water 4 times.

After she had explained all this she asked, "Now why do you suppose Elijah had all that water poured over the bull on the altar?"

"I know, I know," called a girl in the back of the room, "to make the gravy!"




"Your capacity to say "no" determines your capacity to say "yes" to greater things."

- E. Stanley Jones





Isn't she precious!





Easy BBQ Pork Ribs  - Anything barbequed is a favorite down south. Here is an easy recipe for Barbequed Pork Ribs.

Place the frozen ribs in a crock-pot with about 8 oz. of water. Add 3 or 4 chicken bouillon cubes with some salt and pepper. Cook on high for 8 hours. Dump off the liquid and add one bottle of Hickory flavored KC Masterpiece barbeque sauce or your favorite kind. Cook on low for about 2 hours. (If you start with thawed ribs you may want to turn the crock-pot down to low after an hour or so.) Enjoy!




Speaking of gravy...if grease floats on top of your gravy, add a pinch of baking powder and the grease will disappear.


We are back in Katrina country. We drove over to Picayune, MS last Friday and set up at Christian Life Assembly of God on Saturday. It was great seeing Pastor Darrell Worley, his wife Sharon, and their daughter Lindsey. We've been ministering here every 2 years since the early 90's. A lot has happened since we were here in February 2005. Katrina failed to forget them. Although it wasn't as bad as New Orleans it definitely poured out it's wrath and destruction there. With the hurricane was tornadoes that uprooted 100 year old oak trees and made them fall on houses leaving unbelievable damage.

March 21, 2007 


Greetings from Escawtawpa, MS! Another week has flown by and spring is here. Myriads of flowers and beautiful hot pink azaleas are in full bloom and so are Larry's allergies! You've heard of the weeping prophet? Well, I have a weeping, sneezing, nose dripping, eye dabbing, husband. I encourage him, "Cheer had orange blossoms in Florida, now the spring flowers of Mississippi and guess what, you'll hit 'spring' all the way back to South Dakota. We'll be in spring all through Louisiana, Tennessee, and into Missouri so keep your kleenex handy!" He just gave me that grin.

We are back in Katrina country. We drove over to Picayune, MS last Friday and Pastor Worley, his wife and their daughterset up at Christian Life Assembly of God on Saturday. It was great seeing Pastor Darrell Worley, his wife Sharon, and their daughter Lindsey. We've been ministering here every 2 years since the early 90's. A lot has happened since we were here in February 2005. Katrina failed to forget them. Although it wasn't as bad as New Orleans it definitely poured out it's wrath and destruction there. With the hurricane was tornadoes that uprooted 100 year old oak trees and made them fall on houses leaving unbelievable damage. Everywhere you look you see FEMA trailers where people are still waiting for help. On Saturday night Pastor Worley took us for a drive and showed us some of the country. The destruction along the Gulf Coast is undescribable. Pastor Darrell Worley's church had minimal damage. After Katrina they built a new sanctuary and were 2 weeks from moving in when Altar call at Christian Life A/G in Picayune, MSthey had an electrical fire which totally gutted out the new building. So they have had to start over. All these people are truly survivors. Pastor Darrell is a terrific pastor and is running over with optimism, energy and determination to keep moving on.  We had 2 wonderful Sunday morning services with several rededications. Christian Life Assembly has supported our ministry monthly for 12 -14 years, so they truly are family to us.

It was also an emotional weekend because it marked the 2 year anniversary of Larry breaking my leg. He fell off the top of our coach, hitting the ladder that I Larry and Gloria in the parking lot at Kiln, MS where the accident happenedwas standing on. He fell 12 feet causing the ladder to act like and axe, thus nearly severing my right foot. We drove back over to Kiln, MS where the accident happened. Pastor Darrel Worley's mother and father, Ken and Faye Worley were pastoring that church when it happened. I stood in the parking lot reliving the event. I remember lying on the asphalt holding onto my injured right foot that was being held on by only a small portion of skin so it wouldn't totally fall off, while waiting for the ambulance to come. Thank God I was in shock or I probably would have freaked out of my mind. After surgery and several days in the Slidell hospital, Pastor Kenneth and Faye Worley so graciously brought us into their home. They gave up their bedroom and king size bed so I could begin the healing process. The Picayune and Kiln churches brought in delicious southern cooked meals during that time and Faye pampered and nursed me for over 2 weeks. I remember the day I came to Worley's from the hospital. Being a The "3 inch mountain"stubborn Norwegian, I was determined to be independent and inch my way into the house with a walker, hopping on one foot. I figured if I'm going to walk again I better toughen up and learn now! Larry helped me out of the car. I hung onto my walker and hopped about 20 feet over to the door of the house. The door jamb was about 3 inches high. I thought, "That looks simple enough." But I was soon to realize it would become my 3 inch mountain. I tried to figure out how to hop up there without falling again. I tried every which way, and that 3 inches still looked like a mountain. Larry finally said, "Now will you let me carry you through the door?" Which he did. Poor Larry.

As I stood there last Sunday at Faye Worley's home, where she invited us for a delicious southern cooked meal, I looked at that 3 inch door jamb and began to Faye Worley pampered and took care of Gloria for 2 weeks after the accident.  Thanks again Faye!reminisce and think back on how impossible that 3 inch incline seemed to me. Then I began to relive the 10 month battle in and out of clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, learning how to maneuver the walker, wheelchair, crutches, .... as the Norwegians would say, "Uff-da!" It was a huge mountain experience. Five months after the accident I was in my livingroom at home trying to put a little weight on the foot to try to begin to learn to walk again. It hurt so badly I fell back in my chair and wept, "God I can't do it the pain is too excruciating!" After sitting there for several moments, thank God I finally came to my senses and thought, "If I don't handle the pain now and face it I'll never walk again and I'll remain in this wheelchair the rest of my life." That didn't sound very encouraging either so audibly I said, "C'mon Gloria, toughen up! Don't be a wimp! You can do it! Get up and get going!" Of course the rest is history. I'm up and going. Yes, I still have a lot of pain but everyone deals with discomfort in some way. Every time I tried to put weight on that nearly amputated foot I would recite the verse, "And He will uphold you with the right hand of His righteousness."

What 3 inch mountain are you facing today? Are you overwhelmed? Do you feel you can't make it? God promises in Psalms, "He is our very present help in time of trouble." I still claim that verse every day. I encourage you to claim it and remember He promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Be encouraged. He loves you and cares about you. Have a great week!




Such a deal


Mother; " Johnny, who bought you that big ice cream cone?"

Johnny; "No one, I bought it myself with that dollar you gave me."

Mother; "But that money was for Sunday School."

Johnny; "I know, but the minister met me at the door and got me in for free."

You Preach Anyway

You claim you are no preacher, but still

You do preach.

A powerful sermon each day.

The acts of your life are the things that you teach;

It's not just the things that you say.




"You had better make up your mind to accept what you cannot alter. You can live a beautiful life in the midst of your present circumstances."

- J.R. Miller





The convoy of hope maps workers in Escawtawpa, MS where they were parked for 4-5 days. What a great group of dedicated workers!





Crockpot Jambalaya


 1 pound chicken breasts or tenders, boneless, cut in 1-inch cubes

8 to 12 oz. smoked sausage, sliced

½ cup chopped onion

1 green bell pepper, chopped

1 large can (28 oz.) crushed tomatoes

1 cup chicken broth

½ cup dry white wine (optional)

2 tsp. dried leaf oregano

2 tsp. dried parsley

2 tsp. Cajun seasoning

1 tsp. cayenne pepper

1 pound shrimp, cooked

2 cups rice, cooked

Combine chicken, sausage, chopped bell pepper, and chopped onion in slow cooker. Add tomatoes, chicken broth, wine, oregano, parsley, Cajun seasoning, and pepper; stir gently. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 8 hours, or on HIGH for 3 to 4 hours. About 30 to 45 minutes before eating, add cooked shrimp and hot cooked rice; heat thoroughly. Serves 8.




Place a slice of apple in hardened brown sugar to soften it back up.

Hi! This is our last week in Florida. It was action-packed with office duties, Larry scheduling rallies, and packing and repacking for our next leg of the tour to Mississippi. We bid good-bye to our pastors and friends in Florida for another two years. We will back to the Sonshine state, Lord willing, in 2009. It seems like a long ways off but it will go by quickly.

March 14, 2007We sure have enjoyed ministering in Florida!


Hi! This is our last week in Florida. It was action-packed with office duties, Larry scheduling rallies, and packing and repacking for our next leg of the tour to Mississippi. We bid good-bye to our pastors and friends in Florida for another two years. We will back to the Sonshine state, Lord willing, in 2009. It seems like a long ways off but it will go by quickly.


A few days ago, we had the joy of spending a few hours with my cousin, Frank, and his wife, Fran, Burleson. They live in California but they were in Florida Frank and Fran Burlesonvisiting family for a few days. Frank and his family lived in Browns Valley, MN, which is just 12 miles away from Sisseton, where I grew up. I must confess...I had an enormous crush on my own cousin. (Yeah, I know-that's not good--but I did.) Frank was tall, good-looking, had a great personality and stole the hearts of the girls in that county. His character and integrity matched his good looks. After graduating, he went into the Navy and was a pilot. He married, Fran, who is a real gem, and in time, they felt God calling them into some type of ministry. God opened doors for them to travel to China where Frank taught in a university and Fran taught in a grade school. With the ability to use the Bible as a textbook, they had the privilege of leading countless numbers to Christ. We sat spellbound as we listened to their testimonies and stories. It is always a joy to rub shoulders with coworkers for the kingdom. Thanks, Frank and Fran, for being dedicated servants all these years.

Last Sunday, we were scheduled to minister in Mississippi, but the church had to cancel at the last minute. We were disappointed, and it was too late to reschedule anything else, so we just had to trust God for what was next. We have been so fatigued and tired, I told Larry, "Honey, maybe God wants us to just 'go and drink in' at some church." We arose early on Sunday morning, got ready and went to Fort Myers, FL. We saw a church sign that said Sonshine Worship Center. The next thing that caught our eye was a breathtaking white Hummer limo outside the churchstretch Hummer limo parked right in front of the church. We thought, "Wow! There must be something really special going on. They must have a real celebrity visiting." The next thing I knew, we were walking into the church and were greeted by a wonderful group of loving parishioners. They ushered us in just as they were starting worship. It was such a rich and precious time of worship. Trying not to be obvious, I would sneak a peak each direction to see who looked like they came in that limo. I really didn't see anyone who fit the identity of a celebrity. God must have known that this Norwegian was more than curious because just then, a man took the microphone. His name was Bob and he began "I just want to tell our church body something. As you all know, I have a full time limo service. I keep really busy. Then, God began to talk to me about using that limo for Him. Within days, God gave me a plan. I began to use it on Sundays to go pick up children and visitors who wanted to attend church and activities. Someone said to me, 'You mean you use that expensive Hummer and all that gas to bring visitors to church?' I readily affirmed, 'Yes!' You see, everyone is special to God. Everyone is a That's a loooong limo!celebrity in His sight so why not make it a special experience. I pick them up, give them gifts, bring them to church, feed them lunch and take them home again. A few weeks into the limo outreach, however, I was really feeling the financial crunch of making 2-3 trips around the area to get everyone to church. I prayed, 'God, now what? You didn't direct me to do this to go under. How can I afford to keep the fuel going in?' " Bob continued on, "The next Sunday, someone came up to me and said, ' I believe in what you are doing and we are seeing great results. I would like to pay for the fuel every other Sunday.'"

What a testimony! Just think, if each one of us would ask God how He wanted to use us to reach the unchurched and lost, imagine what could be done. "Andhow shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?" (Romans 10:14-15)

How is God using you, your talents, your business and/or finances to reach the Lost? Many times, I feel talentless but I just pray, "God , you open the doors to minister to someone," and He always does. Yesterday, it was at the laundromat. Two couples, who didn't know each other, one from Maryland and the other from Viriginia, came in to do their laundry. In the midst of our small talk, I found that each of them had a mate facing had lung cancer and the other prostate cancer. God gave me the opportunity to minister to them and encourage them. They didn't know me or what I did and that was great, otherwise they could have thought, "She's a pastor's wife...that's her job!" So, with no strings attached, I was able to just love on them and bring hope to them through testimonies of what God has done in the lives of others facing cancer.

We need to realize that everyone we meet has needs. Keep that in mind! Ask God to help you shine forth Jesus to their lives.

Well, I must get going. Larry is getting the coach ready to roll. We will talk to you from Mississippi next week!





One comic said that the honeymoon is the interval between the man's "I do" and the wife's "You better".




Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our person; but they are helpless against our prayers.

-J. Sidlow Baxter




We'll miss the all beautiful Florida trees and flowers!





Pizza In A Bowl


16 oz classic blend salad greens

8 oz mozzarella cheese slices, cut into julienne strips

1 pkg (3 ½ oz) pepperoni slices

6 cherry tomatoes, quartered

4 green onions, sliced

3/4-1 cup zesty Italian salad dressing

1 cup croutons

In large salad bowl, gently toss salad greens, cheese strips, pepperoni, tomatoes and onions. Just before serving, toss with dressing and sprinkle with croutons. Serves 4.




To bake potatoes quickly, place them in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, pierce skin with a fork and then bake in a preheated oven.

Greetings from Fort Myers, Florida! Wherever you are and whoever you are, it is our prayer you escaped last week's wrath of weather that made its way from the West Coast to the East Coast. The fury the tornados unleashed in the deep South was unfathomable. I can't imagine the grief and loss that thousands of people are experiencing today. Let's remember them in prayer.
A few days ago, Larry and I drove over to Kissimmee, FL, to a Bible campground for a small gathering of snowbirds from all over the Midwest.

March 7, 2007


Greetings from Fort Myers, Florida! Wherever you are and whoever you are, it is our prayer you escaped last week's wrath of weather that made its way from the West Coast to the East Coast. The fury the tornados unleashed in the deep South was unfathomable. I can't imagine the grief and loss that thousands of people are experiencing today. Let's remember them in prayer.

A few days ago, Larry and I drove over to Kissimmee, FL, to a Bible campground Gloria and Blakefor a small gathering of snowbirds from all over the Midwest. Blake Hubert, a partner and friend of the ministry, asked if we would be willing to come to sing and minister to a small group. Of course, we responded, "We'd love to!" Blake's husband, Bob, a tall stately man, came to Christ under our ministry in the early 80's in the state of Wisconsin. We were scheduled to minister in Holcombe, WI. Blake knew the Lord, but she had been praying her husband would come to know Him as well. She invited him to come with her that night. I remember Bob telling us that he really didn't want to go but felt he had to in order to please his wife. As he was driving towards the church, he said it felt like someone literally grabbed the steering wheel and parked him directly in front of the little church. Larry and I were singing when this ultrasharp couple, Bob and Blake, sauntered in and sat near the back of the sanctuary. I remember Bob intensely watching every move we made. I observed him move from the suspicious state to the interested stage as the night progressed. The Holy Spirit was drawing him. When Larry gave the altar call, Blake reached over and invited him to go forward. He responded positively.Blake and Bob Hubert with Larry a couple years ago From the moment he received Christ, he was a changed man. He and Blake spent their lives in serving others through various missions trips and outreaches. Bob and Blake were both involved with MissionAir as Bob was a pilot. They flew into disaster areas to help in whatever way they could. Sadly, Bob passed away last year from cancer, but his wife, Blake, continues the missions trips and is quick to go wherever there is a need. It is always thrilling to meet people that are sold out for God.

Larry with the Antilla'sAt the campground that evening, we were also reunited with Gerrald and Della Antilla who live in Wyoming, MN, but were in Florida to escape some of the cold weather. They are the parents of Gary Antilla who traveled with us years ago driving coach and doing everything that needed to be done.Mahon children Gary had a servant's heart and still does. Today, Gary and his wife, Hope, are partners with our ministry and continue to be a blessing to us. Also at the campground, these children definitely grabbed our attention and our hearts. They are the children of Sean and Vani Mahon, caretakers of the camp. They are so sweet just like their mom and dad.

We have been in Florida now for two months. This coming Friday, we will pull up stakes and head for the state of Mississippi. They have been ravaged with storms, tornados and are still reeling from the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Please remember us in your prayers as we endeavor to encourage them. Also, please pray for safety and good weather while we are traveling.

Well, it is time to go. The weeks sure fly by...don't they. We will talk to you in a few days.



An elderly widow and widower were dating for about five years. The man finally decided to ask her to marry him. She immediately said yes.

The next morning when he awoke, he couldn't remember what her answer was. After about a half hour of trying to remember to no avail, he got on the telephone and gave her a call. Embarrassed, he admitted he didn't remember her answer to the marriage proposal.

"Oh," she said, "I am so glad you called. I remember saying 'yes' to someone, but I couldn't remember who it was."



"If you are born die twice...but if you are born twice

(physical and spiritual), you die once."   -Unknown





Would you believe they have these huge poinsettia plants in Florida in March?!




Yogurt Cake


2 1/4 cups flour

½ tsp soda

1 cup margarine

1 cup yogurt (any flavor)

2 cups sugar

1 tsp vanilla

3 eggs

½ tsp salt

Mix above together. Bake at 325 degrees for 60-65 minutes in a bundt pan. Use any flavor of yogurt for icing.




Placed a too-hot pot on your tablecloth and now there's a scorch? Rub the cut side of a white onion onto the scorch; soak in sudsy water, then launder. The mark should lighten up!


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