February 11, 2009
Valentine's Day is almost here. Every year when this time comes, it takes me back to when Larry and I were in our "dating days". Yea….I know… that was waaaaaaaay back! Regardless, I vividly remember our first date, our first kiss, and our first Valentine's Day together as a married couple in February of 1966 in the state of Texas. We were young newlyweds and we were just beginning our hearts' journey.
We have been blessed to have celebrated 43 Valentine's Days together and we pray that God will allow us many, many more. I learned long ago that what drew us together was passion---but what has kept us together all of these years is compassion. In these days of castaway marriages and a divorce rate that is reaching catastrophic proportions, we know that our marriage has braved the storms of life because we are fused with God.
I felt like I wanted to share an old article of Larry's with you that is so fitting during this time:
Speaking From My Heart
"Marriage can be a real hassle! Yes, Gloria and I love each other; but at the same time, marriage puts pressures and limits on two people that can cause friction, fraction and uncalled-for reactions. If you don't believe me, ask my wife! Too often I throw my clothes all over, mess up her clean room, dirty the sink or rip my new slacks. Sometimes, when she is trying to have a conversation with me, my mind wanders off a thousand miles away. I have earned the nickname "space cadet" by our teenage daughters because sometimes I'm not present in mind, only in body.
Then there are times when I feel frustrated by my wife because there is a button missing on my good shirt that I have "politely" reminded her of the last six times I've worn it. So, I am scavenging all over the bus, looking for a safety pin to pin it, hoping it won't snap open while I am preaching and puncture my neck.
Sometimes I fume, "How can you remember to buy everything you need when you go shopping and forget the shaving cream I have been out of for three days, making do with a bar of soap that leaves my face dry, cut and irritated?" Another time I might become exasperated because she has forgotten to make the deposit to cover the bills.
Gloria and I are still one of the happiest married couples I know…in spite of the fact that when we were married, it meant dividing our time, money, privacy, house, car and vacation by half. Marriage is probably more demanding than any other relationship.
If you wanted to dissolve your marriage, all you would have to do is focus on all of your differences and irritations. Instead of doing that, you can choose to focus on the good points. Some days, when everything seems to go wrong, you may need a magnifying glass to find the good in each other-those times when you are tempted to nag, condemn, or accuse. Does it sound like I have visited your house?
Now that I have been honest, you are thinking, "They must not be happily married." You're wrong! We are very happily married! Let me explain. Being married is not hard. It is living together that becomes strained! Even though we may disagree or nag occasionally, we love being together. We enjoy dating each other. We enjoy raising our children. We love communicating. If I could choose anyone to have fun with, work with, vacation with or have lunch with, Gloria is the first one who comes to my mind. Gloria is not only my wife, she is my best friend, and I would not trade our relationship for anything in the world.
The two verses that have given our marriage special meaning, happiness and completion are found in Ephesians 5. Verse 22 says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." The Word of God gives husbands a key in verse 25: "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." If Gloria and I keep our commitment to Christ fresh, loving and respecting Him, that same kind of commitment automatically overflows into our relationship with each other. Our commitment, love and respect for each other fall in line, adding up to a happy, blessed, and successful (not perfect), working marriage."
In those days
In those days the words "I love you, honey," were said with fifty different inflections and meant fifty different things.
- They could have meant thank you for opening the catsup bottle,
even though you said that I had loosened it first.
- Or I enjoy our talks when you come home from work
and there's just the two of us to share and dream.
- Or imply that I appreciate all those things that make up you:
your sensitive strength, the way you smile me off my soapbox,
or the way that you pretend you are listening when you read the paper.
But somewhere along the way we turned and instead of floating with the current, we now struggle against it.
- It wasn't one action, or one word, but a series of little
unresolved spats and quarrels that now make the TV the solution
to the problems of a hard day and silences us when we should
say "Thank you" or "You really look nice today."
- Today, I no longer tell you that I love you because the sound
of those words mocks the special meaning that they carried
when we were first wed. And it is too painful to remember
that those feelings we said we would never lose were, tear by tear, left in the past.
-Deborah Jean Morris (from Charles Swindoll's book Strike the Original Match)
"If your marriage is feeling strains and pressures that you are not prepared for, go back to your first love,
Jesus Christ. Recommit your life to Him. Then recommit your mate and marriage to Him, and you will begin a new adventure in your marriage relationship. If you will pray and play together, your marriage will stay together."
Happy Valentine's Day!
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
- Anonymous
The children have spoken on the topic of love and romance . . .
♥When is it okay to kiss someone?
"The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that." - Curt, age 7
♥What do most people do on a date?
"Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough." - Lynnette, age 8
♥What is the right age to get married?
"Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." - Camille, age 10
♥How do you decide whom to marry?
"You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." - Alan, age 10 (Let's hope Alan's mom doesn't read this!)
One Last (Goofy) Thought:
Q: Why do Valentines have hearts on them?
A: Because spleens would look pretty strange.
Used with permission grant #011609. © 2009 CTA, Inc. No duplication of this article is allowed without the express written consent of CTA, PO Box 1205, Fenton, MO 63026-1205.
Breakfast in a Pan
6 eggs 1 lb. link sausages(smokies)
2 c. milk 1 c. grated cheese
2 slices white bread 1 can mushrooms, sliced and drained
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dry mustard
Brown the sausage and drain. Beat the eggs and add remaining ingredients. Arrange the sausage on top or you can cut them into small pieces and add them to the egg mixture. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan and bake for 30-40 minutes until the eggs are set or you may put it in the refrigerator and bake it the next morning. This is also good cold (after baking), and keeps for several days once baked.
Coffee filters do wonders on windows and mirrors. They are lint-free so they'll leave windows sparkling.